
/pop"yeuh leuhr/, adj.
1. regarded with favor, approval, or affection by people in general: a popular preacher.
2. regarded with favor, approval, or affection by an acquaintance or acquaintances: He's not very popular with me just now.
3. of, pertaining to, or representing the people, esp. the common people: popular discontent.
4. of the people as a whole, esp. of all citizens of a nation or state qualified to participate in an election: popular suffrage; the popular vote; popular representation.
5. prevailing among the people generally: a popular superstition.
6. suited to or intended for the general masses of people: popular music.
7. adapted to the ordinary intelligence or taste: popular lectures on science.
8. suited to the means of ordinary people; not expensive: popular prices on all tickets.
[1375-1425; late ME populer < L popularis. See PEOPLE, -AR1]
Syn. 1. favorite, approved, liked. 5. common, current. See general.

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(as used in expressions)
Alianza Popular Revolucionaria Americana
Popular Front for the Liberation of Saguia el Hamra and Río de Oro
Popular Front for the Liberation of Oman

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Universalium. 2010.

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