Popular Republican Movement

Popular Republican Movement

French  Mouvement Républicain Populaire (MRP) 

      former French social reform party whose policies corresponded largely to the European Christian Democratic tradition.

      Founded on Nov. 26, 1944, shortly after the end of the German occupation of France during World War II, the MRP consistently won some 25 percent of the vote in the elections of the remainder of the 1940s, and it served as a bulwark of the early governments of the Fourth Republic. As a centre party, however, the MRP lost votes to both the right and the left as political opinions began to polarize during the Cold War; in the 1951 elections it won only 12.6 percent of the votes cast and never regained its former popularity.

      In October 1965 the MRP joined other right-centre parties to support the presidential candidacy of Jean Lecanuet, who came in a poor third to General Charles de Gaulle and the candidate of the left, François Mitterrand. Lecanuet attempted to solidify the parties that supported him, including the MRP, into a centre party, the Centre Démocrate, founded in February 1966. Legislative elections in 1967 and 1968, however, brought fresh defeats for the centre, which failed to win more than 13 percent of the vote in either election. By the end of 1967 the MRP had become little more than a political club.

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