
pokable, adj.
/pohk/, v., poked, poking, n.
1. to prod or push, esp. with something narrow or pointed, as a finger, elbow, stick, etc.: to poke someone in the ribs.
2. to make (a hole, one's way, etc.) by or as by prodding or pushing.
3. to thrust or push: She poked her head out of the window.
4. to force, drive, or stir by or as by pushing or thrusting: He poked the fire up.
5. to thrust obtrusively: The prosecutor kept poking his finger at the defendant.
6. to make a pushing or thrusting movement with the finger, a stick, etc.
7. to extend or project (often fol. by out): His handkerchief is poking out of his back pocket.
8. to thrust oneself obtrusively: to poke into something that is not one's affair.
9. to search curiously; pry (often fol. by around or about).
10. to go or proceed in a slow or aimless way (often fol. by along).
11. poke fun at, to ridicule or mock, esp. covertly or slyly: In her novel, she pokes fun at her ex-husband.
12. poke one's nose into, Informal. to meddle in; pry into: We felt as if half the people in town were poking their noses into our lives.
13. a thrust or push.
14. Informal. a slow or dawdling person; slowpoke.
[1300-50; ME < MD, MLG poken to thrust. See POACH1]
/pohk/, n.
1. Chiefly Midland U.S. and Scot. a bag or sack, esp. a small one.
2. a wallet or purse.
3. Archaic. a pocket.
[1250-1300; ME < MD, whence also ONF poque, F poche bag, pocket; cf. POACH2, POCKET, POUCH]
/pohk/, n.
1. a projecting brim at the front of a bonnet, framing the face.
2. Also called poke bonnet. a bonnet or hat with such a brim.
[1760-70; appar. special use of POKE1]
/pohk/, n.
[1590-1600; perh. shortening of obs. pocan pokeweed, perh. var. of PUCCOON (pokeberries and puccoon roots were both sources of red dye)]

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also called  pokeberry , or  pokeweed 

      (species Phytolacca americana), strong-smelling shrublike plant with a poisonous root resembling that of a horseradish. The berries contain a red dye used to colour wine, candies, cloth, and paper. Poke is native to wet or sandy areas of eastern North America.

      Like the roots, mature stalks, which are red or purplish in colour, are poisonous. Very young shootsup to about 15 cm (6 inches)—are edible, however. The tender green stalks, stripped of leaves and peeled, may be simmered and eaten like asparagus. The leaves may be cooked with other greens.

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  • poke — ► VERB 1) jab or prod with a finger or a sharp object. 2) make (a hole) by jabbing or prodding. 3) (poke about/around) look or search around a place. 3) (often poke out) thrust out or protrude in a particular direction. ► NOUN ▪ …   English terms dictionary

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  • Poke — Poke, n. [AS. poca, poha, pohha; akin to Icel. poki, OD. poke, and perh. to E. pock; cf. also Gael. poca, and OF. poque. Cf. {Pock}, {Pocket}, {Pouch}.] 1. A bag; a sack; a pocket. He drew a dial from his poke. Shak. [1913 Webster] They wallowed… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

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