
/euh lawng", euh long"/, prep.
1. through, on, beside, over, or parallel to the length or direction of; from one end to the other of: to walk along a highway; to run a border along a shelf.
2. during; in the course of: Somewhere along the way I lost my hat.
3. in conformity or accordance with: I plan to revise the article along the lines suggested.
4. by the length; lengthwise; parallel to or in a line with the length or direction: He ran along beside me.
5. with a progressive motion; onward: The police ordered the line to move along.
6. (of time) some way on: along toward evening.
7. in company; in agreement (usually fol. by with): I'll go along with you. He planned the project along with his associates.
8. as a companion; with one: She took her brother along.
9. from one person or place to another: The order was passed along from the general to the captain and from the captain to a private.
10. at or to an advanced place or state: Work on the new ship is quite far along.
11. as an accompanying item; on hand: Bring along your umbrella.
12. all along, all the time; throughout: I knew all along that it was a lie.
13. along of, Chiefly Southern U.S. and Brit. Dial.
a. owing to; because of: We weren't invited, along of your rudeness.
b. in company with: You come along of me to the store.
14. be along, Informal. to arrive at a place; come: They should be along soon.
15. get along. See get (def. 33).
[bef. 900; ME; OE andlang, equiv. to and- (c. OS, ON and-, Goth and(a)-, OHG ant-, prefix with orig. sense "facing"; cf. ANSWER) + lang LONG1]

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  • along — [ə lôŋ′] prep. [ME < OE andlang, along, by the side of < and , over against + lang, in length: see LONG1] 1. on or beside the length of; over or throughout the length of [we hiked along the trail; along the driveway there is a hedge] 2. in… …   English World dictionary

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  • Along of — Along A*long [AS. gelang owing to.] (Now heard only in the prep. phrase {along of}.) [1913 Webster] {Along of}, {Along on}, often shortened to {Long of}, prep. phr., owing to; on account of. [Obs. or Low. Eng.] On me is not along thin evil fare.… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Along on — Along A*long [AS. gelang owing to.] (Now heard only in the prep. phrase {along of}.) [1913 Webster] {Along of}, {Along on}, often shortened to {Long of}, prep. phr., owing to; on account of. [Obs. or Low. Eng.] On me is not along thin evil fare.… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • along — ► PREPOSITION & ADVERB 1) moving in a constant direction on (a more or less horizontal surface). 2) extending in a more or less horizontal line on. 3) in or into company with others. ● along with Cf. ↑along with ● be (or come) along …   English terms dictionary

  • Along — A*long , prep. By the length of, as distinguished from across. Along the lowly lands. Dryden. [1913 Webster] The kine . . . went along the highway. 1 Sam. vi. 12. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • along — [adv1] ahead forth, forward, on, onward; concept 581 along [adv2] together with accompanying, additionally, also, as companion, as well, at same time, besides, coupled with, furthermore, in addition to, likewise, moreover, side by side,… …   New thesaurus

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