
/fuy"lee/, n.
an island in the Nile, in Upper Egypt: the site of ancient temples; now submerged by the waters of Lake Nasser.

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Former island of the Nile River in Upper Egypt.

It was sacred to Isis and contained many temples, the earliest dating from the 7th century BC. After the completion of the Aswan High Dam in 1970, the temples were moved to the nearby island of Agilkia before Philae was submerged by the waters of Lake Nasser.

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Arabic  Jazīrat Fīlah (“Philae Island”),  or  Jazīrat al-Birba (“Temple Island”), 
island in the Nile River between the old Aswan Dam and the Aswan High Dam, in Aswān muḥāfaẓah (governorate), southern Egypt. Its ancient Egyptian name was P-aaleq; the Coptic (Coptic language)-derived name Pilak (“End,” orRemote Place”) probably refers to its marking the boundary with Nubia. The conventional name (Philae) is Greek, but locally the site is known as Qaṣr Anas al-Wujūd, for a hero of The Thousand and One Nights (Thousand and One Nights, The). Before its gradual submergence in the reservoir created by the old Aswan Dam after 1902, the alluvium-covered granite rock of Philae, 1,500 by 490 feet (460 by 150 metres), had always been above the highest Nile floodings. Accordingly, it attracted many ancient temple and shrine builders. Philae, Abu Simbel, and other nearby ruins were collectively designated a UNESCO World Heritage site in 1979.

      From early Egyptian times the island was sacred to the goddess Isis; the earliest structures known are those of Taharqa (reigned 690664 BC), the Cushite 25th-dynasty pharaoh. The Saites (664525 BC) built the earliest-known temple, found dismantled and reused in the Ptolemaic structures. Nectanebo II (Nekhtharehbe [reigned 360343 BC]), last pharaoh of the 30th dynasty and last independent native ruler of Egypt prior to 1952, added the present colonnade. The complex of structures of the Temple of Isis was completed by Ptolemy II Philadelphus (reigned 285246 BC) and his successor, Ptolemy III Euergetes (fl. 246221 BC). Its decorations, dating from the period of the later Ptolemies and of the Roman emperors Augustus and Tiberius (30 BCAD 37), were, however, never completed. The Roman emperor Hadrian (reigned AD 117138) added a gate west of the complex. Other small temples or shrines dedicated to Egyptian deities include a temple to Imhotep and one to Hathor, as well as chapels to Osiris, Horus, and Nephthys.

      The Temple of Isis continued to flourish during Roman times and was not closed until the reign of Justinian I (AD 527565). Late in Justinian's reign the temple was converted into a church, and two other Coptic churches were built in the still-prosperous town.

      All these structures were thoroughly explored and reinforced (189596) before being partially flooded behind the old Aswan Dam. In 1907 a careful inspection revealed that salts in the water were harming paints on the decorations. When the temples reemerged after 1970 with the completion of the High Dam (Aswan High Dam) upstream, it was found that considerable damage had been done to the shrines. A decision was therefore made to remove them to higher ground on the nearby island of Agilkia. The island was leveled to resemble the original Philae, and the temples were rebuilt, restoring to them some measure of their original beauty prior to their formal reopening in 1980.

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