
/hawr"euhs, hohr"-/, n. Egyptian Relig.
a solar deity, regarded as either the son or the brother of Isis and Osiris, and usually represented as a falcon or as a man with the head of a falcon.
[ < LL Horus < Gk Hôros < Egyptian hr]

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Ancient Egyptian god with the head of a falcon, whose eyes were the sun and moon.

The kings of Egypt were called living incarnations of Horus. During the 1st dynasty Horus was known principally as an opponent of Seth, but after 2350 BC he became associated with the Osiris cult and was identified as the son of Osiris. He destroyed Seth, the killer of Osiris, and became ruler of all Egypt. His left eye (the moon) was damaged by Seth but was healed by Thoth. In the Ptolemaic period, the victory of Horus over Seth became a symbol of Egypt triumphing over its occupiers.

Horus offering a libation, bronze statue, 22nd dynasty (c. 800 BC); in the Louvre, Paris.

Giraudon/Art Resource

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Egyptian god
Egyptian  Hor  or  Har 
 in ancient Egyptian religion, god in the form of a falcon whose eyes were the sun and the moon. Falcon cults were widespread in Egypt. At Nekhen (Greek: Hierakonpolis), however, the conception arose that the reigning king was a manifestation of Horus, and, after Egypt had been united by the kings from Nekhen, this conception became a generally accepted dogma. The first of the Egyptian king's five names was the Horus namei.e., the name that identified him with Horus. The hovering form of Horus depicted above a king's head, sometimes portrayed as a winged sun disk, is that of Horus of Behdet, a town in the Nile River delta where the falcon god enjoyed a cult.

      From the 1st dynasty (c. 29252775 BCE), Horus and the god Seth were perpetual antagonists who were reconciled in the harmony of Upper (Upper Egypt) and Lower Egypt. In the myth of Osiris, who became prominent about 2350 BCE, Horus was the son of Osiris. He was also the opponent of Seth, who murdered Osiris and contested Horus's heritage, the royal throne of Egypt. Horus finally defeated Seth, thus avenging his father and assuming the rule. In the fight his left eye (i.e., the moon) was damagedthis being a mythical explanation of the moon's phasesand was healed by the god Thoth. The figure of the restored eye (the wedjat eye) became a powerful amulet.

 Horus appeared as a local god in many places and under different names and epithets; for instance, as Harmakhis (Har-em-akhet, “Horus in the Horizon”), Harpocrates (Har-pe-khrad, “Horus the Child”), Harsiesis (Har-si-Ese, “Horus, Son of Isis”), Harakhte (“Horus of the Horizon,” closely associated with the sun god Re), and, at Kawm Umbū (Kom Ombo), as Haroeris (Harwer, “Horus the Elder”). Horus was later identified by the Greeks with Apollo, and the town of Edfu (Idfū) was called Apollinopolis (“Apollo's Town”) in the Greco-Roman period.

      In the Ptolemaic period, the vanquishing of Seth became a symbol of Egypt triumphing over its occupiers. At Edfu, where rebellions frequently interrupted work on the temple, a ritual drama depicting Horus as pharaoh spearing Seth in the guise of a hippopotamus was periodically enacted.

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