
/par'euh nah"/; Port. /pah'rddah nah"/, n.
1. a river in central South America, flowing from S Brazil along the SE boundary of Paraguay and through E Argentina into the Río de la Plata. 2050 mi. (3300 km) long.
2. a city in E Argentina, on the Paraná River: the capital of Argentina 1852-61. 159,581.

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 city, capital of Entre Ríos provincia (province), northeastern Argentina. It lies on the Paraná River, opposite Santa Fe, with which it is connected by a subfluvial road tunnel. Founded as a parish in 1730 and formerly called Bajada de Santa Fe, the city had little importance until 1853, when it was made capital of the Argentine Confederation. Until 1862, while Buenos Aires was separated from the confederation, Paraná was the residence of the federal authorities, which boosted its economic, cultural, and population growth. Development was sustained after it was made the provincial capital in 1882.

      Because of flood dangers, Paraná (Guaraní forfather of the rivers”) stands on a bluff 60 to 100 feet (18 to 30 m) high on the left bank of the river. It is linked by rail and road to its port, Bajada Grande. The city has two national historic monumentsthe Cathedral of Paraná (1883), which houses the image of Our Lady of the Rosary, and the building of the Senate of the Argentine Confederation (1858). Other notable buildings include the home of Gen. Justo José de Urquiza (Argentina's president, 185460), the Bishop's Palace, and the Museum of Entre Ríos. A base of the Argentine Air Force is located there. Pop. (2001) 235,967.

      estado (state) of southern Brazil, bounded to the east by the Atlantic Ocean, on the south by the state of Santa Catarina, on the southwest by Argentina, on the west by Paraguay, on the northwest by the state of Mato Grosso do Sul, and on the north and northeast by the state of São Paulo. Paraná was named for the Paraná River (Rio Paraná), which forms its western and northwestern border; its capital, Curitiba, is in the eastern part of the state.

      After a century of gradual penetration by bands of Spanish explorers from São Paulo and by Jesuit missionaries, the territory of the present state was occupied, to a large extent, by the forces of a Portuguese emissary, Gabriel de Lara, in the 1640s. Gold was discovered at several locations in the 17th century and attracted settlers. Eventually recognized as belonging to Portugal's sphere of influence, rather than Spain's, the territory was attached at first to the captaincy of São Paulo and subsequently to the province of the same name. Paraná became a separate province of the Brazilian Empire in 1853 and later a state of the Brazilian Republic in 1891.

      Paraná can be divided into five topographic zones, each running approximately northeast to southwest. Proceeding westward there is the coastal region, fringed with dunes and mangrove swamps and backed by the high mountain ranges of the Serra do Mar to the west. The Serro do Mar, rising to the peak of Serra da Graciosa (6,193 feet [1,888 m]), forms a watershed between the coastal region and the first of the three successive plateaus farther westward, each lower than the one before. The first plateau, which lies at a height of between 2,700 and 3,000 feet (800 and 900 m) above sea level, is formed mainly of crystalline rock. On the western side of the first plateau, a cuesta (an escarpment with a steep slope on one side and a gentle slope on the other) rising to heights of from 3,500 to 3,800 feet (1,050 to 1,150 m) marks the beginning of the second plateau. A basaltic scarp with a maximum elevation of 3,800 feet rises at the western border of the second plateau, forming the eastern edge of the third plateau, which slopes westward and downward until it reaches the fringes of the Paraná River.

      Three major rivers cross the second and third plateaus. Two of them, the Iguaçu and the Ivaí rivers, flow westward and are immediate tributaries of the Paraná River. The third major river is the Tibagi, which flows northward to join the Paranapanema River tributary of the Paraná. The Paraná River borderland (the state's fifth topographic zone) has low elevations and steep gullies and is dominated by rain forest.

      Paraná state, the northern region of which crosses the Tropic of Capricorn, has a moderately warm climate. Winters are dry in the northwest, while other parts receive adequate precipitation throughout the year. Summers are hot in the lower elevations and coolerbelow 72 °F (22 °C)—at the higher elevations. On the coast the annual mean temperature is 70 °F (21 °C) at Paranaguá, and the rainfall reaches 81 inches (2,057 mm) annually, with the largest amounts falling in January and February.

      Dense tropical rain forest extends along certain tracts of the Atlantic coast and over the uplands into the Paraná River borderland. Some areas of the state consist of treeless savanna, and there are localized bushlands.

      The people of the state are largely of Portuguese-Brazilian descent. After the Portuguese, waves of other immigrants began to arrive as labourers and businessmen; these included Poles, Ukrainians, Italians, Germans, Arabs, Dutch, and Japanese. The common language is Portuguese, and the principal religion is Roman Catholicism.

      The state is responsible for primary and secondary education. Among the institutions of higher learning are the Federal University of Paraná and the Catholic University of Paraná, both located in Curitiba.

      Paraná is one of the richer states of Brazil. Intensively developed plantations have made Paraná one of Brazil's chief producers of coffee, the most important centres for this crop being Umuarama, Rondon, and Londrina. Other important crops are Indian or Paraguay tea (maté), cotton, peanuts (groundnuts), and ramie (a strong, lustrous fibre capable of being spun or woven). Lumbering is also economically important.

      Corn (maize) is grown for the most part around Ivaiporã, Rondon, and Toledo; rice, cassava, potatoes, beans, oats, rye, barley, and wheat are cultivated quite widely, as are garlic, onions, tomatoes, and soybeans. Sugarcane is grown mainly around Porecatu. Fruit production includes oranges, bananas, grapes, and pineapples.

      Paraná's livestock herds have been much enlarged and improved with help from government agencies. Pigs, sheep, cattle, and horses are raised. Dairy products and wool are marketed from the northern and eastern parts of the state.

      In addition to a regular output of dolomite (a type of limestone or marble), lead, iron, talc, and lime, Paraná produces coal from Venceslau Brás and cement from Rio Branco do Sul.

      The main railroad in Brazil from São Paulo to the south traverses the eastern half of Paraná state; an important branch line from Ponta Grossa serves Curitiba and the Atlantic ports. Highways link the state with São Paulo to the north and Santa Catarina to the south. The rivers are generally navigable only for limited distances. Paranaguá and Antonina are the chief seaports, and Curitiba and Londrina have the chief airports.

      Several towns have public libraries, the most notable at Curitiba. The theatre at Guaíra, the best known in the state, is widely known in South America; its architecture is in the modern style. Area 76,956 square miles (199,315 square km). Pop. (2006 est.) 10,387,378.

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Universalium. 2010.

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