Entre Ríos

Entre Ríos

      provincia (province), eastern Argentina. It is located between two rivers, the Paraná (west) and the Uruguay (east), the latter of which forms the Uruguayan border; the province's name meansbetween rivers.” Entre Ríos is the southern part of the region sometimes called the Argentine Mesopotamia. It occupies an undulating plain that is interrupted in the north and along its eastern and western margins by forested, hilly ridges. The province tapers in the south into the Paraná deltaic lands of the northwestern Río de la Plata estuary. El Palmar National Park, near the city of Concepción del Uruguay, includes a palm forest, parts of which are 800 years old, and archaeological remains.

      There were some late 16th-century colonial settlements, but the region did not receive provincial status until 1814. During the dictatorship of Juan Manuel de Rosas (Rosas, Juan Manuel de) (182952), Entre Ríos became a centre of opposition based upon antagonism to his control of river trade. General Justo José de Urquiza (Urquiza, Justo José de), one of the opposition leaders, contrived Rosas' overthrow and, as head of the new Argentine Confederation, made Paraná the national capital. The downfall of Urquiza in 1861 led to the reinstatement of Buenos Aires as the capital. In the second half of the 19th century, Entre Ríos was settled by large numbers of Italian, German, and Swiss immigrants, which led to its rapid agricultural development and economic expansion. The earliest meat-packing and preserving plants in Argentina were established there.

      Agricultural activities (cattle raising, wheat, flax, rice, and citrus fruits) are of great economic significance in the province. Food-processing and consumer-goods industries are numerous, particularly in Paraná (q.v.), the provincial capital. Gualeguay, on the Gualeguay River in southern Entre Ríos, is the hub of a cattle-ranching area and has port facilities for river traffic. The first direct transportation links between the Argentine Mesopotamia and Buenos Aires were achieved in the late 1970s when a system of bridges, roadways, and railways 20 miles (33 km) long was completed across the Paraná River delta. Area 30,418 square miles (78,781 square km). Pop. (2001) 1,158,147.

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