
/ram"ee, ray"mee/, n.
1. an Asian shrub, Boehmeria nivea, of the nettle family, yielding a fiber used esp. in making textiles.
2. the fiber itself.
[1810-20; < Malay rami a kind of grass]

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      any of several fibre-yielding plants of the genus Boehmeria, belonging to the nettle family (Urticaceae), and their fibre, one of the bast fibre (q.v.) group. Boehmeria nivea, native to China, is the species usually cultivated for fibre, although B. nivea variety tenacissima, native to Malaysia and frequently called rhea, is also a fibre source.

      The ramie plant has been cultivated in eastern Asia for fibre since prehistoric times. Ramie fabric was used in ancient Egypt and was known in Europe during the Middle Ages. Ramie fibre, also known as China grass, and ramie fabric, variously known as grass linen, grass cloth, or China linen, have been exported from East Asia to the Western Hemisphere since early in the 18th century, but commercial production of ramie products did not achieve importance in the West until the 1930s. Because of its desirable properties, including strength and durability, ramie has frequently been promoted as a textile fibre of great potential.

      The plant is a perennial producing many stalks, each growing from 1.9 to 2.4 m (3 to 8 feet) high. The leaves, growing on the upper portion of the stalk, are somewhat heart-shaped with serrated edges. The leaves of B. nivea have bright green upper sides and undersides that are covered with white hairs; those of variety tenacissima are green on both sides. Greenish white flowers form drooping clusters growing from the angles between leafstalks and stems.

      Crops, which are usually propagated with cuttings from underground stems (rhizomes), grow best in well-drained, sandy soil and in warm, moist climates with evenly distributed rainfall averaging at least 75 to 130 mm (3 to 5 inches) per month. Harvesting takes place when the lower portion of the stalk turns brown and the tips of new stalks appear. The stalks are usually cut by hand. Ramie fibres are obtained by decortication, a hand or mechanical process in which the bark and the adhering fibre are separated from the stalk and soaked in water, allowing the fibre to be scraped from the bark.

      The individual fibre cells are quite long, averaging 13 to 15 cm (5 to 6 inches) in length. Ramie fibre is pure white in colour, lustrous, moisture absorbent, and readily dyed. The fibres are spun into yarn, which can then be woven into textiles. The fibre is stronger than flax, cotton, or wool. Fabric made from ramie fibre is easily laundered, increasing in strength when wet, and does not shrink or lose its shape. It dries quickly and becomes smoother and more lustrous with repeated washings. Ramie is resistant to mildew and other types of microorganism attack and does not change colour with prolonged exposure to sunlight.

      Ramie has had limited acceptance for textile use, however. The fibre's extraction and cleaning are expensive, chiefly because several stepsinvolving scraping, pounding, heating, washing, or exposure to chemicalsare needed to separate the raw fibre from the adhesive gums or resins in which it is ensheathed. Spinning the fibre is made difficult by its brittle quality and low elasticity; and weaving is complicated by the hairy surface of the yarn, resulting from lack of cohesion between the fibres. The greater utilization of ramie depends upon the development of improved processing methods.

      Ramie is used to make such products as industrial sewing thread, packing materials, fishing nets, and filter cloths. It is also made into fabrics for household furnishings and clothing, frequently in blends with other textile fibres. Shorter fibres and waste are used in paper manufacture. China leads in the production of ramie and exports mainly to Japan and Europe. Other producers include Japan, Taiwan, the Philippines, and Brazil.

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