Otto III

Otto III
A.D. 980-1002, king of Germany 983-1002; emperor of the Holy Roman Empire 996-1002 (son of Otto II).

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born July 980
died Jan. 23, 1002, near Viterbo, Italy

German king (9831002) and emperor (9961002).

He was elected German king at age 3, and his mother and grandmother served as regents until he came of age in 994. He went to Rome to put down a rebellion (996) and installed his cousin as Gregory V, the first German pope. After returning in 997 to quell another revolt, he made Rome the centre of his empire. He saw himself as leader of world Christianity and hoped to revive the glory of ancient Rome in a universal Christian state. When Rome rebelled against him (1001), he requested help from Bavaria but died before it arrived.

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Holy Roman emperor

born July 980
died Jan. 23, 1002, near Viterbo, Italy

      German king and Holy Roman emperor who planned to recreate the glory and power of the ancient Roman Empire in a universal Christian state governed from Rome, in which the pope would be subordinate to the emperor in religious as well as in secular affairs.

      Son of the Holy Roman emperor Otto II and Empress Theophano, Otto III was elected German king in June 983 and crowned at Aachen in December, shortly after his father's death. But the child king was seized by Henry II the Quarrelsome, the deposed duke of Bavaria, in an attempt to secure the regency, if not the throne, for himself. In May 984, however, Henry was forced by the imperial diet to turn the child over to his mother, who served as regent until her death in 991; Otto's grandmother, the dowager empress Adelaide, assumed the regency until the King came of age in 994.

      In 996, heeding an appeal by Pope John XV for help in putting down a rebellion led by the Roman noble Crescentius II, Otto crossed the Alps. Declared king of Lombardy at Pavia, he reached Rome after the Pope's death, whereupon he secured the election of his 23-year-old cousin, Bruno of Carinthia, as Gregory V, the first German pope. Gregory, who crowned Otto emperor on May 21, 996, was driven from Rome after the Emperor's return to Germany by Crescentius, who then installed John XVI as pope. The Emperor marched back into Italy in late 997; taking Rome in February 998, he executed Crescentius, deposed John, and reinstated Gregory.

      Otto then proceeded to make Rome his official residence and the administrative centre of the empire. Instituting elaborate Byzantine court ceremonies and reviving ancient Roman customs, he assumed the titlesthe servant of Jesus Christ,” “the servant of the apostles,” andemperor of the worldand saw himself as the leader of world Christianity. When Gregory V died (999), Otto had the Frenchman Gerbert of Aurillac, his former tutor who agreed with his concept of a theocratic emperor, installed as Pope Sylvester II.

      In 1000 Otto made a pilgrimage to the tomb of the mystical archbishop Adelbert of Prague at Gniezno, which he established as the archbishopric of Poland. When in January 1001 Tibur, Italy, rebelled against Otto, he laid siege to the town, forced its surrender, and then pardoned its inhabitants. Angered by this action, the Romans, who wanted the rival town destroyed, rebelled against the Emperor (February 1001) and besieged his palace. After placating the rebels momentarily, Otto withdrew to the monastery of St. Apollinaris, near Ravenna, to do penance. Unable to regain control of the imperial city, he requested military support from his cousin Henry of Bavaria, who was to succeed him as German king and later as emperor. Shortly before the Bavarian troops arrived at his headquarters, Otto died.

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