
/ot"euhr/, n.
(in the Volsunga Saga) a son of Hreidmar, who assumed the form of an otter when fishing, and who was killed by Loki while in that form.

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Any of several semiaquatic, web-footed carnivore species in four genera of the weasel family (Mustelidae), found throughout Africa, North and South America, Europe, and Asia.

Otters have the same general proportions as weasels. Size varies among species, but total length is typically 37 ft (12 m), and weight is 6.560 lb (327 kg); the large sea otter is an exception. Otter fur, especially that of northern animals, is highly valued. Most species live near rivers; some live near lakes or streams; and the sea otter is completely marine. Otters eat small aquatic animals. They are inquisitive and playful; a favourite sport is sliding down a mud bank and plunging into water.

River otter (Lutra canadensis).

Kenneth W. Fink
Root Resources

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 any of 13 species of semiaquatic mammals, noted for their playful behaviour, that belong to the weasel family. The lithe and slender body has short legs, a strong neck, and a long flattened tail that helps propel the animal gracefully through water. Swimming ability is further enhanced in most species by four webbed feet. Two species are marine, with the others living predominantly in fresh water. Otters range in size from 3 kg (6.6 pounds) in the Asian small-clawed otter (Amblonyx cinereus) to 26 kg in the giant otter (saro) (Pteronura brasiliensis) and 45 kg in the sea otter (Enhydra lutris). fur colour is various shades of brown with lighter underparts.

Freshwater otters
 The 11 species often referred to as river otters are found throughout the Americas, Europe, Africa, and Asia, in freshwater ecosystems that sustain an abundance of prey such as fish, crayfish, crabs, mussels, and frogs. Most river otters are opportunistic, feeding on whatever is most easily obtained. Diet often varies seasonally or locally, depending on which prey is available. River otters hunt visually while chasing fish, but they use their manual dexterity to dislodge crabs and crayfish from under rocks. Sensory hairs on the snout called vibrissae also assist by sensing water turbulence. After being captured in the teeth or forefeet, prey is consumed either in the water or on shore. River otters hunt more effectively in shallow than in deep water, and, although they are proficient swimmers, all prefer slow-swimming species of fish. African clawless otters (Aonyx congicus and A. capensis) occupy murky waterways and thus rely more on manual dexterity than on vision to obtain food (mostly crabs) from under rocks. Their front feet are handlike and partially webbed.

      Most travel is aquatic, but river otters can venture swiftly overland between bodies of water. They typically follow the shortest route possible and often establish much-used trails. While in the water, they constantly search features such as logjams and deepwater pools for prey. To rest, otters seek refuge in underground holes, rock crevices, beaver lodges, cavities in root systems, or simply dense vegetation along the shoreline. When not resting or eating, river otters can often be seen eagerly sliding down mud or snow banks. Many species establish regular latrine sites along the shores of lakes or rivers. Such stations may facilitate communication between individuals.

      Litter size ranges from one to five. Young otters (pups) may fall prey to large raptors, and various carnivores may kill adults traveling on land. In warmer regions crocodiles and alligators are threats. However, most mortality results from human activities, in the form of road kills, drownings in fishnets, destruction as pests around fishing areas, or trapping for their fur.

Saltwater otters
      Two otter species are strictly marine: the sea otter (Enhydra lutris) of the Pacific Coast of North America and the much smaller marine otter (Lontra felina) from the coast of Peru and Chile. Both rely exclusively on marine prey, although the sea otter can be found much farther offshore; the marine otter stays within about 100 metres (330 feet) of the shore.

      Sea otters are well adapted to marine life. The front and back feet are fully webbed; large lungs allow long dives and provide buoyancy; and thick fur provides insulation. Sea otters can also drink salt water and thus can remain at sea for several days at a time. Sea otters are usually solitary but are sometimes seen in groupsgatherings of up to 2,000 have been observed along the coast of Alaska. At night, sea otters may choose either to sleep on land or simply to rest afloat near beds of kelp. They feed mainly on sea urchins, crabs, and various shellfish. Fish are also eaten. Captured prey is eaten at sea while the otter swims on its back. Rocks are typically used to break open crabs and shellfish, whereas sea urchins are crushed with the forefeet and teeth. Sea otter predation on the herbivorous urchins (genus Strongylocentrotus) enables kelp forests and the fish associated with them to flourish. However, large numbers of sea otters can deplete shellfish populations, conflicting with fisheries (fishery) for crabs, clams, and abalones. Females give birth in water to only one young, which remains dependent on the mother until six to eight months of age. Sharks and killer whales eat sea otters on occasion.

      The marine otter is really a freshwater otter that has learned to occupy marine environments in South America. This small (36 kg) otter occurs on the Pacific coast from Peru through Chile and Tierra del Fuego in Argentina. It is mostly solitary, and only rarely do groups of more than three animals occur. Marine otters occupy the intertidal zone that covers the first 100150 metres of coastal water and about 30 metres inland. They feed on crustaceans such as crabs and shrimp, as well as mollusks and fish. Interestingly, marine otters do not consume sea urchins as extensively as do sea otters, even though sea urchins often are common where marine otters live. Unlike sea otters, marine otters shelter in rock cavities for daytime rest and parturition.

Conservation and classification
      Nearly all species of otters face increasing threat as urbanization and logging continue. North American river otters (L. canadensis) are still taken as part of the commercial fur trade, but the primary threats to others are the destruction of wetland habitats and pollution. Heavy metals and contaminants such as mercury and PCB (polychlorinated biphenyl)s accumulate in otter tissues and in time impair both reproduction and survival. Pollution also affects fish populations on which otters often depend. Conservation of remaining wetlands and restoration of water quality are currently the most important steps toward ensuring the future of otters.

Subfamily Lutrinae (otters)
 13 species in 7 genera found on all continents except Antarctica. Lutrinae is a subfamily of Mustelidae (mustelid).
      Genus Lontra
 4 species found in the Americas.

      Genus Lutra
 3 species found in Africa and Eurasia.

      Genus Aonyx (clawless otters)
 2 species found in sub-Saharan Africa.

      Genus Amblonyx (small-clawed otter)
 1 species found in South and Southeast Asia and in New Guinea.

      Genus Enhydra (sea otter)
 1 species found in North America.

      Genus Lutrogale (smooth-coated otter)
 1 species found in Southern Asia.

      Genus Pteronura (giant otter)
 1 species found in South America.

Serge Lariviere

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