
/ab'euh loh"nee/, n.
a large mollusk of the genus Haliotis, having a bowllike shell bearing a row of respiratory holes, the flesh of which is used for food and the shell for ornament and as a source of mother-of-pearl.
[1840-50, Amer.; taken as sing. of California Sp abulones, pl. of ABULÓN, aulón < a word in Rumsen, a Costanoan language formerly spoken at Monterey, California]

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Any of several marine snail species (genus Haliotis, family Haliotidae), found in warm seas worldwide.

The outer surface of the single shell has a row of small holes, most of which fill in as the animal grows; some remain open as outlets for waste products. Abalones range from 4 to 10 in. (1025 cm) across and up to 3 in. (8 cm) deep. The largest is the 12 in. (30 cm) abalone (H. rufescens). The shell's lustrous, iridescent interior is used in ornaments, and the large muscular foot is eaten as a delicacy. Commercial abalone fisheries exist in California, Mexico, Japan, and South Africa.

Abalone (Haliotis)

Jacques Six

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marine snail
 any of several marine snails of the subclass Prosobranchia (class Gastropoda) constituting the genus Haliotis and family Haliotidae, in which the shell has a row of holes on its outer surface. Abalones are found in warm seas worldwide. The dishlike shell is perforated near one edge by a single row of small holes that become progressively filled during the animal's growth; the last five to nine holes remain open to serve as outlets for the snail's waste products. Depending on the species, abalones range from 10 to 25 cm (4 to 10 inches) across and up to 7.5 cm in depth. The shell's lustrous, iridescent interior is used in the manufacture of ornaments. The large muscular foot of the abalone is eaten as a delicacy in several countries. Commercial fisheries for abalones exist in California, Mexico, Japan, and South Africa. About 50 species have been described. The largest abalone is the 30-centimetre red abalone (H. rufescens) of the western coast of the United States. H. rufescens and several other species are raised commercially in abalonefarms,” particularly in Australia, China, Japan, and along the western coast of the United States.

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