
/nun"shee oh', -see oh', noon"-/, n., pl. nuncios.
a diplomatic representative of the pope at a foreign court or capital: equal in status to an ambassador. Cf. apostolic delegate.
[1520-30; < It nuncio, nunzio < L nuncius, nuntius messenger]

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      a Vatican representative accredited as an ambassador to a civil government that maintains official diplomatic relations with the Holy See. He promotes good relations between the government and the Holy See and observes and reports to the pope on the conditions of the Roman Catholic church in the region. A full nuncio is named only to those countries that adhere to a decision of the Congress of Vienna (Vienna, Congress of) (1815) that the papal representative automatically becomes dean of the diplomatic corps there. In 1965 the name pronuncio was given to those ambassadors whose rank in the diplomatic corps depends solely on seniority. An internuncio is a Vatican diplomat with the rank of minister plenipotentiary; he is accredited to a civil government and performs duties corresponding to those of a nuncio. Compare apostolic delegate.

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  • nuncio — (Del lat. nuntĭus). 1. m. Encargado de llevar aviso, noticia o encargo de una persona a otra, enviado a esta para tal efecto. 2. Representante diplomático del Papa, que ejerce además, como legado, ciertas facultades pontificias. 3. Anuncio o… …   Diccionario de la lengua española

  • Nuncio — Nun ci*o, n.; pl. {Nuncios}. [It. nunzio, nuncio, fr. L. nuncius, nuntius, messenger; perh. akin to novus new, E. new, and thus, one who brings news. Cf. {Announce}.] [1913 Webster] 1. A messenger. [Obs.] Shak. [1913 Webster] 2. The permanent… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

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  • Nuncio — Archbishop Karl Josef Rauber; former nuncio for Belgium and Luxembourg Nuncio is an ecclesiastical diplomatic title, derived from the ancient Latin word, Nuntius, meaning envoy. This article addresses this title as well as derived similar title …   Wikipedia

  • nuncio — (Del lat. nuntius, emisario.) ► sustantivo masculino 1 RELIGIÓN Representante diplomático del papa que ejerce como legado ciertas facultades pontificias. 2 Persona encargada de llevar aviso o noticia de una persona a otra. SINÓNIMO mensajero 3… …   Enciclopedia Universal

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