
ambassadorial /am bas'euh dawr"ee euhl, -dohr"-/, adj.ambassadorially, adv.ambassadorship, n.
/am bas"euh deuhr, -dawr'/, n.
1. a diplomatic official of the highest rank, sent by one sovereign or state to another as its resident representative (ambassador extraordinary and plenipotentiary).
2. a diplomatic official of the highest rank sent by a government to represent it on a temporary mission, as for negotiating a treaty.
3. a diplomatic official serving as permanent head of a country's mission to the United Nations or some other international organization.
4. an authorized messenger or representative. Abbr.: Amb., amb.
[1325-75; ME am-, embass(i)adour, imbassadore < AF ambassateur, ambassaduer < It ambassatore, dial. It ambassadore, equiv. to ambass- (see EMBASSY) -atore, -adore < L -atorem acc. of -ator -ATOR]

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Highest-ranking diplomatic representative of one government to another or to an international organization.

As formally defined and recognized at the Congress of Vienna (1815), ambassadors were originally regarded as personal representatives of their country's chief executive rather than of the whole country, and their rank entitled them to meet personally with the head of state of the host country. Originally, only the principal monarchies exchanged ambassadors; the U.S. did not appoint ambassadors until 1893. Since 1945 all nations have been recognized as equals, and ambassadors or their equivalents are sent to all countries with which diplomatic relations are maintained. Before the development of modern communications, ambassadors were entrusted with extensive powers; they have since been reduced to spokespeople for their foreign offices.

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      highest rank of diplomatic representative sent by one national government to another.

      At the Congress of Vienna (Vienna, Congress of) in 1815, ambassadors were one of the four classes of diplomatic agents who were formally defined and recognized. Ambassadors were deemed to represent the person and dignity of the sovereign (or head of state) and were entitled to personal access to the sovereign to whom they were accredited. The Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations (1961) reduced to three the categories of diplomatic representatives, which are: (1) ambassadors and other heads of mission of equivalent rank who are accredited to the host heads of state; (2) envoys extraordinary, ministers plenipotentiary, and other representatives who are accredited to the host heads of state; and (3) chargés d'affaires, who are accredited to the foreign minister of the host country. The category of ministers-resident was omitted.

      Ambassadors were originally exchanged only between the principal monarchies, with envoys or chargés d'affaires sufficing for the conduct of relations with less powerful states. Ambassadors were later also sent to republics regarded as being of equal rank. The United States appointed its first ambassadors in 1893. In 1914 there was a general exchange of ambassadors among the great powersAustria-Hungary, France, Germany, Great Britain, Italy, Japan, Russia, and the United Statesalong with Spain and Turkey. Between 1919 and 1939 Belgium, China, Poland, and Portugal were raised to ambassadorial status, and since 1945, in accordance with the doctrine of the formal, legal equality of all states, most governments have sent representatives of ambassadorial rank to all countries to which they have extended diplomatic recognition.

      Prior to the development of modern communications, ambassadors were frequently entrusted with extensive, even plenary, powers. They have since tended, however, to become spokesmen of their foreign offices, and rarely does an ambassador enjoy extensive discretion. An ambassador's personality and prestige, on the other hand, may play an important part in making the views of his government understood, and his firsthand knowledge of the country to which he is accredited may enable him to influence his government's policy decisively. See also extraterritoriality.

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