
/euhng gooh"nee/, n., pl. Ngunis, (esp. collectively) Nguni for 1.
1. a member of a group of culturally and linguistically related peoples of southern and eastern Africa, including the Xhosa, Zulu, Ndebele, and Swazi.
2. the group of Bantu languages spoken by these peoples, sometimes considered dialects of a single language.
Also, Ngoni.

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Cluster of related ethnic groups living in South Africa, Swaziland, and Zimbabwe, including the Xhosa, Zulu, Swazi, and Ndebele.

They speak very closely related Bantu languages some of which are unique among Niger-Congo languages in having click sounds, absorbed from contact with their Khoisan-speaking neighbours. The Nguni were dispersed from their original homeland in what is now eastern Cape province and KwaZulu/Natal by the Mfecane disturbances of the 1820s and the expansion of European power.

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      cluster of related Bantu-speaking ethnic groups living in South Africa, Swaziland, and Zimbabwe, whose ancestors inhabited a broad band of upland territory extending from the Great Fish River, in what is now Eastern Cape province, northward to Kosi Bay, near the border of KwaZulu/Natal province and Mozambique, that paralleled the Indian Ocean. Although the people of this zone originally spoke a Bantu language in common, with only subtle and gradual linguistic variations, distinct (and mostly mutually unintelligible) Bantu languages developed during the late 19th and early 20th centuriese.g., Xhosa, Zulu, and Swati (Swazi). The Nguni languages are unique among Bantu languages in that they have implodedclickingphonemes. These sounds were absorbed into the language through the Ngunis' intermarriage with the area's earlier, Khoisan-speaking peoples, whose languages were characterized by such click sounds.

      At the start of the 19th century, the Nguni were divided into a number of political entities. Each had its own chief, who was drawn from any of a number of recognized chiefly lineages that had both political and ritual powers. These groups included the Ndlambe, Gcaleka, Thembu (Tembu), Mpondo, Mpondomise, Bhaca, Hlubi, Mtethwa (Mtetwa), and Zulu. The people dwelling in these polities cultivated millet and kept a large number of cattle, which had both a subsistence role and a social role in Nguni society. There was a distinct division of labour: women were associated with hoe cultivation and men with cattle husbandry. The Nguni followed patterns of patrilineal descent and virilocal residence and practiced exogamous marriage, with wives obtained legally through the transfer of cattle as bridewealth (lobola).

      The Nguni way of life changed greatly during the 19th century. One of the major factors was the Mfecane (“Crushing”), a period of wars and resettlement begun in the 1820s by Shaka, king of the Zulu. Shaka created an expansive Zulu state that waged war on neighbouring peoples, causing them to be incorporated into the Zulu state or to flee as refugees. These refugees, copying the new military discipline and the strategy developed by Shaka, were able to conquer other African peoples and to establish new states throughout southern and central Africa. These included the Ndebele state in southwestern Zimbabwe, under Mzilikazi; the Gaza state in southern Mozambique, under Soshangane; the Swazi state in Swaziland, under the Dlhamini family; and a cluster of Ngoni states in Tanzania, Zambia, and Malawi, under the successors of the Ngoni leader Zwangendaba.

      Another major event, less cataclysmic yet more far-reaching in its impact, was the gradual undermining of Nguni society by expanding European power. A series of wars was fought between the southern Nguni peoples and the Europeans in the Cape of Good Hope. In piecemeal fashion the southern Nguni were conquered, their lands occupied, and their cattle seized, thus forcing large numbers of Nguni men to become migrant labourers throughout southern Africa. This process, gradual at first, accelerated sharply in the period after 1886, when large gold deposits were discovered in the Witwatersrand.

      The process of industrialization sparked by the gold mines has continued throughout the 20th century, requiring large numbers of workers. In this capacity, the Nguni speakers have become one of the main underpinnings of the economy and are found as urban people throughout South Africa, rather than exclusively in the areas from which they had originally derived.

      Despite the urbanization of the Nguni, the South African government, through much of the 20th century, attempted to maintaintraditionalNguni cultural institutions and chiefs in rural areas under its system of apartheid and separate black states. Many contemporary Nguni-speaking peoples, however, were born in urban areas and have little connection with the rural areas of their ancestors. In consequence of this development, Nguni may best be considered as a linguistic term, with its cultural associations largely eroded.

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