
("The Crushing") Series of Zulu and other Nguni wars and forced migrations in the early 19th century that changed the demographic, social, and political configuration of southern and central Africa.

Set in motion by the rise of the Zulu military kingdom under Shaka, it took place in the context of drought, social unrest, and competition for trade. Ethnic group was set against ethnic group in an ever-increasing radius, resulting in the creation of large refugee populations as well as the establishment of new kingdoms under the Basuto, Gaza, Ndebele, and Swazi peoples.

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African history
ZuluThe Crushing”, Sotho  Difaqane 

      series of Zulu and other Nguni wars and forced migrations (human migration) of the second and third decades of the 19th century that changed the demographic, social, and political configuration of southern and central Africa and parts of eastern Africa. The Mfecane was set in motion by the rise of the Zulu military kingdom under Shaka (c. 17871828), who revolutionized Nguni warfare. The rise of Shaka's kingdom, which took place during a time of drought and social unrest, was itself part of a wider process of state formation in southeastern Africa, which probably resulted from intensified competition over trade at Delagoa Bay. The pattern of the Mfecane, in which tribe was set against tribe over an ever-increasing radius, was highly successful in areas weakened by overpopulation and overgrazing.

      In South Africa itself the Mfecane caused immense suffering and devastated large areas as refugees (refugee) scrambled to safety in mountain fastnesses or were killed, thus easing the way for white expansion into Natal and the Highveld. In the Cape Colony it greatly increased pressures on the eastern frontier as refugees known as Mfengu crowded in on the peoples of the Transkei. At the same time, however, as a result of the Mfecane, some of the most formidable kingdoms to oppose white penetration were createdthe Sotho, Swazi, and Ndebele, as well as the Gaza of Mozambique.

      The impact of the Mfecane was felt far beyond South Africa, as peoples fled from Shaka's armies as far as Tanzania and Malawi in the northeast (the Ngoni) and Barotseland, in Zambia, to the northwest (the Kololo).

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