
/mingk/, n., pl. minks, (esp. collectively) mink.
1. a semiaquatic weasellike animal of the genus Mustela, esp. the North American M. vison.
2. the fur of this animal, brownish in the natural state and having lustrous outside hairs and a thick, soft undercoat.
3. a coat, stole, etc., made of this fur.
[1425-75; late ME, of uncert. orig.]

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Either of two species of nocturnal, semiaquatic carnivores in the weasel family (Mustelidae) that are trapped and raised commercially for their pelts.

New World mink (Mustela vison), found throughout North America except in arid parts of the southwestern U.S., is 1729 in. (4374 cm) long and weighs up to 3.5 lb (1.6 kg). The Eurasian species (M. lutreola) is slightly smaller. The rich brown coat consists of a dense, soft underfur overlaid with glossy guard hairs. Except for furs in the rare mutant colours produced by crossbreeding, wild mink fur is more valuable than "ranch mink."

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 either of two species of the weasel family (Mustelidae (mustelid)) native to the Northern Hemisphere. The European mink (Mustela lutreola) and the American mink (M. vison) are both valued for their luxurious fur. The American mink is one of the pillars of the fur industry and is raised in captivity throughout the world. In the wild, mink are small, discreet, and most often nocturnal, and they live in close proximity to water.

      Both mink species measure about 3050 cm (1220 inches) in length, not including a 1323-cm tail, and weigh 2 kg (4.5 pounds) or less; females are smaller. Like weasels, mink have short legs, a long, thick neck, and a broad head with short, rounded ears. The coat is deep, rich brown and sometimes has white markings on the throat, chest, and underparts. The pelage consists of a dense, soft underfur overlaid with dark and glossy guard hairs.

      Wild mink are semiaquatic and obtain most of their food near the water's edge. Typically following shorelines and banks, they investigate holes, crevices, and deep water pools for hidden prey (predation). Strictly carnivorous, mink eat mostly frogs, salamanders, fish, crayfish, muskrats, mice (mouse), and voles, along with aquatic birds and their eggs. Occasionally, mink will search for terrestrial prey such as hares and rabbits. Mink are strong and agile swimmers and often dive to probe underwater nooks and crannies.

      Mink are solitary, except during the mating season in spring. Both males and females may mate with several individuals, but females raise the young alone. gestation typically lasts 51 days for the American mink, but this period can vary, as implantation of the fertilized egg can be delayed for 114 days. Litter size averages four young but ranges from two to eight. Young become independent after six months.

      American mink raised in captivity for fur are bred during early spring, and harvest of pelts occurs when the animals reach adult size and the pelt is at maximum qualityusually during winter when mink are 68 months old. During this period, ranch mink reach sizes that may exceed twice that of wild mink because of better nutrition and selective breeding for size. Also by means of selective breeding and careful genetic follow-up, breeders can produce a wide variety of natural pelage colours, ranging from pure white to sapphire, pearl, blue, and black.

      The American mink was originally found throughout North America except in the arid regions of the Southwest. The popularity of the American mink as a fur animal led to the establishment of numerous fur farms throughout the world, particularly the northern countries of North America and Eurasia. Natural disasters, poor facilities, and the voluntary and involuntary releases of captive mink (mink farms have been a frequent target of animal-rights activists) have led to the establishment of many populations of American mink far outside its native range. Today the American mink inhabits many areas of Europe, Scandinavia, Russia, South America, and even Iceland. Where introduced to the European mink's habitat, the American mink has become a problem, displacing the less aggressive and less adaptable European species, which is now rare or threatened in many parts of Europe where it was once abundant. The invasion of European waters by the American mink has also led to the decline of wetland species such as water voles and some birds.

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