
/may"zeuhr/, n.
a device for amplifying electromagnetic waves by stimulated emission of radiation. Cf. laser.
[1950-55; m(icrowave) a(mplification by) s(timulated) e(mission of) r(adiation)]

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Device that produces and amplifies electromagnetic radiation in the microwave range of the spectrum.

The first maser was built in 1951 by Charles H. Townes. Its name is an acronym for "microwave amplification by stimulated emission of radiation." The wavelength produced by a maser is so constant and reproducible that it can be used to control a clock that will gain or lose no more than a second over hundreds of years. Masers have been used to amplify faint signals returned from radar and communications satellites, and have made it possible to measure faint radio waves emitted by Venus, giving an indication of the planet's temperature. The maser was the principal precursor of the laser.

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      device that produces and amplifies electromagnetic radiation mainly in the microwave region of the spectrum. The maser operates according to the same basic principle as the laser (the name of which is formed from the acronym forlight amplification by stimulated emission of radiation”) and shares many of its characteristics. The first maser was built by the American physicist Charles H. Townes (Townes, Charles Hard) and his colleagues in 1953. The name is an acronym derived frommicrowave (or molecular) amplification by stimulated emission of radiation.”

      A maser oscillator requires a source of excited atoms or molecules and a resonator to store their radiation. The excitation must force more atoms or molecules into the upper energy level than in the lower, in order for amplification by stimulated emission to predominate over absorption. For wavelengths of a few millimetres or longer, the resonator can be a metal box whose dimensions are chosen so that only one of its modes of oscillation coincides with the frequency emitted by the atoms; that is, the box is resonant at the particular frequency, much as a kettle drum is resonant at some particular audio frequency. The losses of such a resonator can be made quite small, so that radiation can be stored long enough to stimulate emission from successive atoms as they are excited. Thus, all the atoms are forced to emit in such a way as to augment this stored wave. Output is obtained by allowing some radiation to escape through a small hole in the resonator.

      The first maser used a beam of ammonia molecules that passed along the axis of a cylindrical cage of metal rods, with alternate rods having positive and negative electric charge. The nonuniform electric field from the rods sorted out the excited from the unexcited molecules, focusing the excited molecules through a small hole into the resonator. The output was less than one microwatt (10-6 watt) of power, but the wavelength, being determined primarily by the ammonia molecules, was so constant and reproducible that it could be used to control a clock that would gain or lose no more than a second in several hundred years. This maser can also be used as a microwave amplifier. Maser amplifiers have the advantage that they are much quieter than those that use vacuum tubes or transistors; that is, they add very little noise to the signal being amplified. Very weak signals can thus be utilized. The ammonia maser amplifies only a very narrow band of frequencies and is not tunable, however, so that it has largely been superseded by other kinds, such as solid-state ruby masers.

Solid-state and traveling-wave masers
      Amplification of radio waves over a wide band of frequencies can be obtained in several kinds of solid-state masers, most commonly crystals such as ruby at low temperatures. Suitable materials contain ions (ion) (atoms with an electrical charge) whose energy levels can be shifted by a magnetic field so as to tune the substance to amplify the desired frequency. If the ions have three or more energy levels suitably spaced, they can be raised to one of the higher levels by absorbing radio waves of the proper frequency.

      The amplifying crystal may be operated in a resonator that, as in the ammonia maser, stores the wave and so gives it more time to interact with the amplifying medium. A large amplifying bandwidth and easier tunability are obtained with traveling-wave masers. In these, a rod of a suitable crystal, such as ruby, is positioned inside a wave-guide structure that is designed to cause the wave to travel relatively slowly through the crystal.

      Solid masers have been used to amplify the faint signals returned from such distant targets as satellites in radar and communications. Their sensitivity is especially important for such applications because signals coming from space are usually very weak. Moreover, there is little interfering background noise when a directional antenna is pointed at the sky, and the highest sensitivity can be used. In radio astronomy (radio and radar astronomy), masers made possible the measurement of the faint radio waves emitted by the planet Venus, giving the first indication of its temperature.

Gas masers
      Generation of radio waves by stimulated emission of radiation has been achieved in several gases in addition to ammonia. hydrogen cyanide molecules have been used to produce a wavelength of 3.34 mm. Like the ammonia maser, this maser uses electric fields to select the excited molecules.

      One of the best fundamental standards of frequency or time is the atomic hydrogen maser introduced by American scientists N.F. Ramsey, H.M. Goldenberg, and D. Kleppner in 1960. Its output is a radio wave whose frequency of 1,420,405,751.786 hertz (cycles per second) is reproducible with an accuracy of one part in 30 × 1012. A clock controlled by such a maser would not get out of step more than one second in 100,000 years.

      In the hydrogen maser, hydrogen atoms are produced in a discharge and, like the molecules of the ammonia maser, are formed into a beam from which those in excited states are selected and admitted to a resonator. To improve the accuracy, the resonance of each atom is examined over a relatively long time. This is done by using a very large resonator containing a storage bulb. The walls of the bulb are coated so that the atoms can bounce repeatedly against the walls with little disturbance of their frequency.

      Another maser standard of frequency or time uses vapour of the element rubidium at a low pressure, contained in a transparent cell. When the rubidium is illuminated by suitably filtered light from a rubidium lamp, the atoms are excited to emit a frequency of 6.835 gigahertz (6.835 × 109 hertz). As the cell is enclosed in a cavity resonator with openings for the pumping light, emission of radio waves from these excited atoms is stimulated.

Arthur L. Schawlow Ed.

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Universalium. 2010.

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