
/rez"euh nay'teuhr/, n.
1. anything that resonates.
2. an appliance for increasing sound by resonance.
3. an instrument for detecting the presence of a particular frequency by means of resonance.
4. Electronics.
a. a hollow enclosure (cavity resonator) made of conducting material of such dimensions that electromagnetic radiation of a certain frequency will resonate.
b. any circuit having this frequency characteristic.
[1865-70; RESONATE + -OR2]

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      acoustical device for reinforcing sound, as the sounding board of a piano, thebellyof a stringed instrument, the air mass of an organ pipe, and the throat, nose, and mouth cavities of a vocal animal. In addition to augmenting acoustic power, resonators may also, by altering relative intensities of overtones, change the quality of a tone. See also soundboard. The Helmholtz resonator is an enclosed volume of air communicating with the outside through a small opening. The enclosed air resonates at a single frequency that depends on the volume of the vessel and the geometry of its opening. The term resonator also denotes a system of electrons (electron) within a molecule or ion that absorbs electromagnetic waves of particular (resonance) frequencies (see chromophore).

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