lupus erythematosus

lupus erythematosus
/er'euh thee'meuh toh"seuhs, -them'euh-/, Pathol.
any of several autoimmune diseases, esp. systemic lupus erythematosus, characterized by red, scaly skin patches.
[1855-60; < NL: erythematous lupus]

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Either of two inflammatory autoimmune diseases, both more common in women.

In the discoid type, a skin disease, red patches with grayish brown scales appear on the upper cheeks and nose (often in a butterfly pattern), scalp, lips, and/or inner cheeks. Sunlight worsens it. Antimalarial drugs may help. The second type, systemic (disseminated) lupus erythematosus (SLE), may affect any organ or structure, especially the skin (with marks like those of the discoid type), kidneys, heart, nervous system, serous (moisture-forming) membranes (e.g., in synovial joints or lining the abdomen), and lymph nodes, with acute episodes and remissions. Symptoms vary widely. Kidney and central-nervous-system involvement can be life-threatening. Treatment includes pain relief, control of inflammation, and trying to limit damage to vital organs.

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also called  lupus 

      an autoimmune (autoimmunity) disorder that causes chronic inflammation in various parts of the body. Three main types of lupus are recognizeddiscoid, drug-induced, and systemic.

      Discoid lupus affects only the skin and does not usually involve internal organs. The term discoid refers to a rash of distinct reddened patches covered with grayish brown scales that may appear on the face, neck, and scalp. In about 10 percent of people with discoid lupus, the disease will evolve into the more severe systemic form of the disorder.

      Drug-induced lupus can arise as a result of a reaction against certain prescribed medications. The signs and symptoms resemble those of systemic lupus. The most common drugs that cause such an autoimmune response are hydralazine, which is used to counteract high blood pressure, and procainamide, which is a medication for irregular heart rhythms. Only a very small number of people taking these drugs develop the disease, and the symptoms usually abate when use of the drug is stopped.

      Systemic lupus erythematosus is the most common form of the disease. It may affect virtually any organ or structure of the body, especially the skin, kidneys, joints, heart, gastrointestinal tract, brain, and serous membranes (membranous linings of organs, joints, and cavities of the body.) While systemic lupus can affect any area of the body, most people experience symptoms in only a few organs. The skin rash, if present, resembles that of discoid lupus. In general, no two people will have identical symptoms. The course of the disease is also variable and is marked by periods when the disease is active and by other periods when symptoms are not evident (remission).

      Lupus results from a breakdown of the normal disease-fighting function of the immune system. Instead of producing antibodies (antibody) that attack infectious organisms, the body produces antibodiescalled autoantibodies (autoantibody)—that react with components of the body's own tissues. This autoimmune reaction results in the formation of antigen-antibody complexes (also called immune complexes), which build up in tissues and cause inflammation and injury. Autoantibodies called antinuclear antibodies (those that bind to the nucleic acid and protein constituents of cell nuclei) are found in nearly all individuals with systemic lupus. Examples of antinuclear antibodies include antidouble-stranded DNA antibodies, which attack the deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) located in the nuclei of cells, and anti-Sm antibodies, which attack an antigen called the Smith antigen that normally functions to maintain the shape of DNA in the cell nucleus. Autoantibodies known as anti-Ro and anti-La, which are found in patients with Sjögren syndrome and in patients with systemic lupus, are suspected to play a role in photosensitivity, characterized by the development of skin rashes in response to exposure to ultraviolet light. Antiphospholipid antibodies, which attack the phospholipids of cell membranes, are also found in some individuals with lupus and may lead to the formation of blood clots that cause stroke or heart attack. The reason why these damaging autoantibodies develop is not entirely understood.

      Other factors that contribute to the development of lupus are immune molecules, such as interleukins and interferons, that appear to control autoantibody release in response to certain stimuli. In addition, it has been found that individuals with systemic lupus have abnormally low levels of the more than 30 proteins that make up the set of immune molecules known as complement, which normally breaks down immune complexes and fights infection.

      Many individuals with lupus have a genetic predisposition to it, and in fact the disorder is associated with a number of mutations in many different genes. Among the most frequent mutations are those occurring in genes that are activated by interferon and in genes that play a role in regulating immune response. Environmental stimuli, such as infection, ultraviolet light, certain drugs, and extreme stress, have the potential to trigger a severe immune response in individuals with a genetic predisposition to lupus. In addition, individuals infected with Epstein-Barr virus appear to have an increased risk of developing systemic lupus. Systemic lupus affects women much more often than menthe vast majority of cases arise in women between the ages of 12 and 40and hormones, particularly estrogen, may increase the likelihood of developing the disease. It is more common in blacks and some Asian populations.

      Identifying systemic lupus can be difficult because many symptoms of the disease are similar to those of other diseases and because symptoms are sometimes ambiguous and fleeting. In order to diagnose the disease, at least 4 of the following 11 criteria must be met:
Rash over the cheeks (malar rash)
Red raised patches (discoid rash)
Oral ulcers
An inflammation of the joints that does not cause deformity
An inflammation of membranes surrounding the lung or heart
Renal disorder
Neurologic disorder
Hematologic disorder
Immunologic disorder
Antinuclear antibodies

      Treatment of systemic lupus is directed toward relief of pain, controlling the inflammation, and limiting as far as possible damage to vital organs. A variety of medications are prescribed, depending on which organs are involved. Preventive measures include the avoidance of factors that seem to stimulate a recurrence of symptoms. Current methods of therapy are able to control the disease in most people and allow them to live a normal life span.

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Universalium. 2010.

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