
scalper, n.scalpless, adj.
/skalp/, n.
1. the integument of the upper part of the head, usually including the associated subcutaneous structures.
2. a part of this integument with the accompanying hair, severed from the head of an enemy as a sign of victory, as by some North American Indians and others during the colonial and frontier periods in the U.S.
3. any token of victory.
4. the integument on the top of the head of an animal.
5. Informal. a small profit made in quick buying and selling.
6. to cut or tear the scalp from.
7. Informal.
a. to resell (tickets, merchandise, etc.) at higher than the official rates.
b. to buy and sell (stocks) so as to make small quick profits.
8. to plane down the surfaces of (an ingot, billet, or slab).
9. Informal. to scalp tickets, stocks, or the like.
[1250-1300; ME (north) (n.), perh. < ON skalpr sheath (hence, metaphorically a covering)]

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