Distinguished Service Medal

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DSM abbr.

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Dutch company
in full  Naamloze Vennootschap Dsm 

      (Dutch: DSM Limited Company), state-owned Dutch chemical company. Until 1975 the company was known as DSM NV Nederlandse Staatsmijnen (the Dutch State Mine Company). The major shareholder is The Netherlands government. Headquarters are in Heerlen, Neth.

      Following World War II, the chemical industry was one of the fastest growing sectors of the Dutch economy. Its output increased 10-fold between the late 1940s and the early '70s. In the late 20th century, however, the company was beset with problems caused by worldwide recession, and it cut back sharply on investment in chemical production. High wage levels, necessary antipollution improvements, and soaring energy costs also contributed to the company's financial difficulties.

      In addition to chemicals, the company produces fertilizers, plastics, building materials, oil and petroleum products, and household products. It also participates in North Sea oil exploration.

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