
kickable, adj.kickless, adj.
/kik/, v.t.
1. to strike with the foot or feet: to kick the ball; to kick someone in the shins.
2. to drive, force, make, etc., by or as if by kicks.
3. Football. to score (a field goal or a conversion) by place-kicking or drop-kicking the ball.
4. Informal. to make (a car) increase in speed, esp. in auto racing: He kicked his car into high gear.
5. to strike in recoiling: The gun kicked his shoulder.
6. Slang. to give up or break (a drug addiction): Has he kicked the habit?
7. Poker. raise (def. 24).
8. Chiefly South Atlantic States. to reject as a suitor; jilt: He courted her for two years - then she kicked him.
9. to make a rapid, forceful thrust with the foot or feet: He kicked at the ball. You have to kick rapidly when using a crawl stroke.
10. to have a tendency to strike with the foot or feet: That horse kicks when you walk into his stall.
11. Informal. to resist, object, or complain: What's he got to kick about?
12. to recoil, as a firearm when fired.
13. to be actively or vigorously involved: He's still alive and kicking.
14. kick about, to move from place to place frequently: He kicked about a good deal before settling down.
15. kick around, Informal.
a. to treat (someone) harshly or inconsiderately.
b. to consider, discuss, or speculate about (a proposal, project, etc.): We kicked around various ideas for raising money.
c. to experiment with.
d. to pass time idly; wander from place to place aimlessly: We just kicked around for a year after college.
e. to remain unused, unemployed, or unnoticed: The script has been kicking around for years.
16. kick ass, Slang (vulgar).
a. to act harshly or use force in order to gain a desired result.
b. to defeat soundly.
17. kick back,
a. to recoil, esp. vigorously or unexpectedly.
b. Informal. to give someone a kickback.
c. Slang. to return (stolen property, money, etc.) to the owner.
d. to relax: Let's just kick back and enjoy the weekend.
18. kick in,
a. to contribute one's share, esp. in money.
b. Slang. to die.
c. to become operational; activate; go into effect: The air conditioning kicks in when the temperature reaches 80°F.
19. kick off,
a. Football. to begin play or begin play again by a kickoff: The Giants won the toss and elected to kick off.
b. Slang. to die.
c. to initiate (an undertaking, meeting, etc.); begin: A rally tomorrow night will kick off the campaign.
20. kick on, to switch on; turn on: He kicked on the motor and we began to move.
21. kick out, Informal.
a. to oust or eject: They have been kicked out of the country club.
b. to fail; give out: The power kicked out and the room went black.
c. to separate off, as for review or inspection: The computer kicked out the information in a split second.
d. Surfing. to turn a surfboard by shifting the weight to the rear, causing the surfboard to come down over the top of a wave, in order to stop a ride.
22. kick over, Informal. (of an internal-combustion engine) to begin ignition; turn over: The engine kicked over a few times but we couldn't get it started.
23. kick over the traces. See trace2 (def. 3).
24. kick the bucket, Slang. See bucket (def. 11).
25. kick the tin, Australian. to give a donation; contribute.
26. kick up,
a. to drive or force upward by kicking.
b. to stir up (trouble); make or cause (a disturbance, scene, etc.): They kicked up a tremendous row.
c. (esp. of a machine part) to move rapidly upward: The lever kicks up, engaging the gear.
27. kick upstairs. See upstairs (def. 5).
28. the act of kicking; a blow or thrust with the foot or feet.
29. power or disposition to kick: That horse has a mean kick.
30. Informal. an objection or complaint.
31. Informal.
a. thrill; pleasurable excitement: His biggest kick comes from telling about the victory.
b. a strong but temporary interest, often an activity: Making mobiles is his latest kick.
32. Informal.
a. a stimulating or intoxicating quality in alcoholic drink.
b. vim, vigor, or energy.
33. Football.
a. an instance of kicking the ball.
b. any method of kicking the ball: place kick.
c. a kicked ball.
d. the distance such a ball travels.
e. a turn at kicking the ball.
34. a recoil, as of a gun.
35. Slang. a pocket: He kept his wallet in his side kick.
36. kicks, Slang. shoes.
37. Glassmaking.
a. a solid glass base or an indentation at the base of drinking glasses, bottles, etc., that reduces the liquid capacity of the glassware.
b. Also, punt. an indentation at the base of a wine bottle, originally for trapping the sediment.
38. kick in the ass, Slang (vulgar). See kick (def. 39a).
39. kick in the pants, Informal.
a. someone or something that is very exciting, enjoyable, amusing, etc.: I think you'll like her, she's a real kick in the pants.
b. See kick (def. 40).
40. kick in the teeth, an abrupt, often humiliating setback; rebuff: Her refusal even to talk to me was a kick in the teeth.
[1350-1400; ME kiken (v.); orig. uncert.]
Syn. 1. boot. 11. remonstrate; oppose. 11, 30. grumble, growl, grouch, moan; protest.

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