
vulgarly, adv.vulgarness, n.
/vul"geuhr/, adj.
1. characterized by ignorance of or lack of good breeding or taste: vulgar ostentation.
2. indecent; obscene; lewd: a vulgar work; a vulgar gesture.
3. crude; coarse; unrefined: a vulgar peasant.
4. of, pertaining to, or constituting the ordinary people in a society: the vulgar masses.
5. current; popular; common: a vulgar success; vulgar beliefs.
6. spoken by, or being in the language spoken by, the people generally; vernacular: vulgar tongue.
7. lacking in distinction, aesthetic value, or charm; banal; ordinary: a vulgar painting.
8. Archaic. the common people.
9. Obs. the vernacular.
[1350-1400; ME < L vulgaris, equiv. to vulg(us) the general public + -aris -AR1]
Syn. 1. unrefined, inelegant, low, coarse, ribald. See common. 3. boorish, rude. 6. colloquial.

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