
/hik"sohs, -sos/, n.
a nomadic people who conquered and ruled ancient Egypt between the 13th and 18th dynasties, c1700-1580 B.C.: believed to have been a Semitic people that originally migrated into Egypt from Asia.
[1595-1605; < Gk Hyksós, perh. < Egyptian hg(') ruler + h'st foreign land]

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Group of mixed Semitic-Asiatics who settled in northern Egypt in the 18th century BC.

They seized power с 1630 BC and ruled Egypt for 108 years thereafter. They were superficially Egyptianized and did not interfere with Egyptian culture. Their chief deity was Seth, whom they identified with an Asiatic storm god. The Hyksos introduced the horse and chariot, the compound bow, improved battle-axes, and advanced fortification techniques. Hyksos pharaohs tried to halt the spread of a Theban revolt, but their dynasty fell to Ahmose in 1521 BC.

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Egyptian dynasty
      group of mixed Semitic-Asiatics who immigrated into Egypt (Egypt, ancient)'s delta region and gradually settled there during the 18th century BCE. Beginning about 1630, a series of Hyksos kings ruled northern Egypt as the 15th dynasty (c. 16301523 BCE; see ancient Egypt: The Second Intermediate period (Egypt, ancient)). The name Hyksos was used by the Egyptian historian Manetho (fl. 300 BCE), who, according to the Jewish historian Flavius Josephus (Josephus, Flavius) (fl. 1st century CE), translated the word asking-shepherdsorcaptive shepherds.” Josephus himself wished to demonstrate the great antiquity of the Jews and thus identified the Hyksos with the Hebrews of the Bible. Hyksos was in fact probably an Egyptian term forrulers of foreign lands” (heqa-khase), and it almost certainly designated the foreign dynasts rather than a whole nation.

      The Hyksos seem to have been connected with the general migratory movements elsewhere in the Middle East (Middle East, ancient) at the time. Although most of the Hyksos names seem to have been Semitic, there may also have been a Hurrian element among them. The contemporary 16th-dynasty rulersminor Hyksos kings who ruled simultaneously with those of the 15th dynastywere probably only vassals of the latter group (see ancient Egypt: The Second Intermediate period (Egypt, ancient)).

      The Hyksos introduced the horse and chariot, the compound bow, improved battle axes, and advanced fortification techniques into Egypt. At Avaris (Per Ramessu) (modern Tall al-Dabʿa) in the northeastern delta, they built their capital with a fortified camp over the remains of a Middle Kingdom town. Excavations since the 1960s have revealed a Canaanite-style temple, Palestinian-type burials, including horse burials, Palestinian types of pottery, quantities of their superior weapons, and a series of Minoan (Minoan civilization) frescoes that demonstrate stylistic parallels to those of Knossos and Thera.

      Their chief deity was the Egyptian storm and desert god, Seth, whom they identified with an Asiatic storm god. From Avaris they ruled most of Lower Egypt and the Nile (Nile River) valley as far south as Cusae. When under Seqenenre and Kamose the Thebans began to rebel, the Hyksos pharaoh Apopis tried unsuccessfully to make an alliance with the rulers of Kush, who had overrun Lower Nubia in the later years of the 13th dynasty (Egypt, ancient) (c. 1650 BCE).

      The Theban revolt spread northward under Kamose, and about 1521 Avaris fell to his successor, Ahmose (Ahmose I), founder of the 18th dynasty, thereby ending 108 years of Hyksos rule over Egypt. Although vilified in some Egyptian texts, the Hyksos had ruled as pharaohs and were listed as legitimate kings in the Turin Papyrus. At least superficially they were Egyptianized, and they did not interfere with Egyptian culture beyond the political sphere.

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