Turin Papyrus

Turin Papyrus
also called  Turin Papyrus of Kings  or  Turin Canon 

      hieratic (hieratic script) manuscript of the 19th dynasty (Egypt, ancient) (12921190 BCE) of ancient Egypt (Egypt, ancient), listing the kings of Egypt from earliest times to the reign of Ramses II (127913 BCE), under whom it was written. Although the papyrus, now in the Egyptian Museum in Turin, Italy, is in very fragmentary condition, it is still considered one of the most detailed and reliable of the existing Egyptian king lists. It lists not only names but also regnal years, months, and days and also divides pharaonic (pharaoh) history into the dynasties by which ancient Egyptian (Egypt, ancient) history is still organized. Manetho's History (3rd century BCE) was derived from a source like the Turin Papyrus but because of its later compilation is in some respects less reliable.

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