
/hee daht"sah/, n., pl. Hidatsas, (esp. collectively) Hidatsa for 1.
1. a member of a Siouan people dwelling on the Missouri River.
2. the Siouan language of the Hidatsa tribe.

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North American Plains Indian people of Siouan stock living mainly on Fort Berthold Reservation in North Dakota, U.S. They speak a Siouan language.

They were mistakenly identified as a group known to French trappers as Gros Ventres, and sometimes they are called Gros Ventres of the Missouri. Originally the Hidatsa (whose name means "People of the Willow") lived on the upper Missouri River in semipermanent villages. They raised corn, beans, and squash and hunted bison. Hidatsa social organization included age-graded military societies; there were also various clans based on maternal descent. The sun dance was the major religious ceremony. Together with the Mandan, with whom they had peaceful relations for more than 200 years, they exchanged traditional goods with European traders for guns, knives, and other items. In the mid-1800s disease and war with the Dakota (Sioux) sharply reduced their number. Only some 625 people claimed sole Hidatsa descent in the 2000 U.S. census. Together the Mandan, the Arikara, and the Hidatsa form the Three Affiliated Tribes.

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HidatsaPeople of the willowalso called  Minitari  or  Gros Ventres of the Missouri 
 North American Indians of the Plains who once lived in semipermanent villages on the upper Missouri River between the Heart and the Little Missouri rivers in what is now North Dakota. The Hidatsa language is a member of the Siouan language (Siouan languages) family.

 Until the reservation period began in the late 19th century and limited the tribe's access to its traditional territory, the Hidatsa were a semisedentary people who lived in dome-shaped earth-berm lodges; they raised corn (maize), beans, squash, and tobacco and made pottery. Hidatsa women raised all the food crops, while tobacco was grown and traded by men. Men also hunted bison and other large game and engaged in warfare.

      Traditional Hidatsa social organization was structured around clan lineages, age sets (age set), and other groups, including several military societies for men and a variety of men's and women's religious societies. Descent was traced through the maternal line. As with other Plains Indians (Plains Indian), the Sun Dance was the major religious ritual, involving long preparation, sacred vows, prayer, and self-sacrifice.

      The Hidatsa language is most closely related to that of the Crow, with whom they were once united; after a dispute over the division of a buffalo carcass sometime between the late 17th and the early 18th centuries, the Crow chose to leave village life and become nomadic equestrians. The two tribes maintained close trading relations and frequently intermarried. In other areas of culture, the Hidatsa and the Mandan most closely resemble each other, a result of more than 400 years of continuous and peaceful association.

 In the latter part of the 18th century, there were more than 2,000 Hidatsa who, with the Mandan, occupied a central position in the extensive trading network on the northern Plains. Horses, dressed hides, and buffalo robes, obtained from the nomadic tribes to the west, were exchanged with European traders to the east for guns, knives, and other manufactured goods.

      In 1837 a smallpox epidemic so severely reduced Hidatsa and Mandan numbers that the two tribes consolidated into one village in order to mount an effective defense against their traditional enemy, the Sioux. Continual harassment by the Sioux and other enemies caused the Hidatsa and Mandan to move the village to a new location near Fort Berthold; many Arikara joined them in 1862, also for purposes of defense. Since 1868 the Hidatsa, Mandan, and Arikara, collectively known as the Three Affiliated Tribes, have lived together on what is now the Fort Berthold Reservation in North Dakota.

      In the mid-20th century the Three Affiliated Tribes lost more than one-fourth of their reservation to the waters rising behind the Garrison Dam on the Missouri River. Tribal members, who had been farming in the fertile river bottomlands, were relocated to the arid Plains uplands, deeply depressing the reservation economy. By the late 20th century the Three Affiliated Tribes had established buffalo ranching operations and a casino, returning a level of prosperity to their communities.

      Early 21st-century population estimates indicated some 1,500 individuals of Hidatsa descent.

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