age set

age set
Formally organized social group consisting of every male (or female) of comparable age.

In societies where the practice traditionally occurs (e.g., the Nuer of the southern Sudan or the Masai of Kenya and Tanzania), a person belongs, either from birth or from a determined age, to a named age set that passes through a series of life stages, or age grades, each of which has a distinctive status or social and political role. See also rite of passage; social status.

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      a formally organized group consisting of every male (or female) of comparable age. In those societies chiefly identified with the practice, a person belonged, either from birth or from a determined age, to a named age set that passed through a series of stages, each of which had a distinctive status or social and political role. Each stage is usually known as an age grade.

      Among the Nuer of the southern Sudan, the age sets (formed among males only) constituted a system of social stratification in which there was equality among members of the same age set and deference and subordination between junior and senior age sets. The sets were formed at about 10-year intervals by initiation ceremonies that marked the passage from boyhood to manhood, and each individual remained for the rest of his life in the age set into which he had been initiated. The Nuer had no system of age grades apart from the original transition from boyhood to manhood, and there were no clearly defined activities assigned to each age set; a particular set advanced slowly to a position of acknowledged seniority as older sets died out.

      In other tribal societies, age grades were found having a more specific allocation of activities to age sets in each grade; thus, the age-grade system might provide for the military training of the young and the organization of military expeditions. The Nandi tribe of Kenya had seven male age setstwo of boys, one of warriors, and four of elders. The warrior set, which was responsible for warfare and for tribal government, retained its position for about 15 years, after which it moved up to become one of the sets of elders, and the government was handed over to the next age set below it.

      Among five of the Plains Indians (Plains Indian) tribes of North America (Blackfoot, Atsina [Gros Ventre], Arapaho, Mandan, Hidatsa), there were ceremonial societies organized on the age-grading principle. It has been suggested that the prominence of age grading in these tribes (contrasted with its absence among other Plains Indians) may be partly attributable to the absence of any extensive division of labour or economic inequality in these tribes. Whereas such tribes as the Crow had large numbers of horses (in a warring and buffalo-hunting culture that demanded horses) and made their possession the chief basis of individual wealth and social status, the five tribes were relatively poor in horses, and age grades provided the basis of social stratification.

      This idea is useful in considering the differences between tribal societies and other forms of society, including modern societies. In the last-namedthough age differences are recognized, particularly in youth movements and organizationsthere is no formal and elaborate organization of the population in age sets and grades. It may thus be that social classification mainly in terms of gender and age belongs to an early period of social development, when obviousnaturaldifferences provide a means of differentiation, and that these factors lose their prominence with the more extensive division of labour and the growth of economic inequality.

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