
/hayms"kring lah/, n. Scand. Myth.
a book of the 13th century narrating the history of the kings of Norway by Snorri Sturluson.
[ < ON, from kringla heimsins orb of the world, the first two words of the text]

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work by Snorri
      (c. 1220; “Orb of the World”), collection of sagas of the early Norwegian kings, written by the Icelandic poet-chieftain Snorri Sturluson. It is distinguished by Snorri's classical objectivity, realistic psychology, and historically feasible (if not always accurate) depiction of cause and effect, all these counterbalanced by the pleasure he took, to use one literary historian's words, inartistic shaping of his source material.” The collection opens with the Ynglinga saga, which traces the descent of the Norwegian kings from the god Odin, who is presented by Snorri as a historical figure, a great conqueror and master wizard from the Black Sea region, who settled in the Scandinavian Peninsula, where his knowledge of runes and magic made him ruler over all. It continues with 16 lives of high kings, covering the period of the development of the Norsemen as roving Vikings, through their conversion to Christianity and their eventual settling down to unification and administration of Norway. One-third of the work is devoted to the 15-year reign of Olaf II Haraldsson, the patron saint of Norway. This saga of St. Olaf (Ólafs saga helga) was written first and the rest of the chronicle built around it. It portrays the character development of the king from a ruthless Viking raider to a serious statesman who fought to regain his kingdom and to establish Christianity and just government in Norway. The king gains sainthood at last by his death in battle and the miracles occurring on the spot where he fell.

      Many of the other lives are abbreviated. Among the more interesting are those of Harald Fairhair (Harald I), Haakon the Good (Haakon I Adalsteinsfostre), and Olaf Tryggvason (Olaf I Tryggvason).

      The value of these sagas as history is still debated, but Snorri ranks high as a critical historian. The sources he used were varied, but he relied heavily on the poems of the early skalds (court poets), which Snorri understood better than any scholar of his age. L.M. Hollander published a good English translation in 1964 (reprinted 1991).

Additional Reading
Sverre Bagge, Society and Politics in Snorri Sturluson's Heimskringla (1991); and Diana Whaley, Heimskringla: An Introduction (1991).

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