Snorri Sturluson

Snorri Sturluson
/snordd"rddee stuerdd"leuh son/; Eng. /snawr"ee sterr"leuh seuhn/
1179-1241, Icelandic historian and poet.

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born 1179, Iceland
died Sept. 22, 1241, Reykjaholt

Icelandic poet, historian, and chieftain.

Of an influential family, Snorri became the "lawspeaker," or president, of the Icelandic high court and a vassal of King Haakon IV of Norway. He was the author of the Prose Edda and the Heimskringla, a history of Norwegian kings. His writings are remarkable for their scope and formal assurance; his genius lay in his power to present all that he perceived as a historian with the immediacy of drama. His relations with Haakon deteriorated, and he was assassinated on the king's order.

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Icelandic writer
born 1179, Iceland
died Sept. 22, 1241, Reykjaholt

      Icelandic poet, historian, and chieftain, author of the Prose Edda and the Heimskringla.

      A descendant of the great poet and hero of the Egils saga, Egill Skallagrímsson, Snorri was brought up at Oddi from the age of three in the home of Jón Loptsson, the most influential chieftain in Iceland. From him Snorri acquired both a deep knowledge of Icelandic tradition and a European breadth of outlook.

      In 1199 Snorri married an heiress and began to acquire lands and power. In 1206 he settled at Reykjaholt, where most of his works were written between 1223 and 1235. During 121518 and 122232 he waslawspeaker,” or president, of the Icelandic high court. In 1218 he was invited to Norway by King Haakon IV. (Haakon IV Haakonsson)

      Snorri became involved in politics while visiting the Norwegians. He persuaded Haakon that he could become king of Iceland, and he became Haakon's vassal. Snorri returned to Iceland in 1220, but in the ensuing years his relations with Haakon deteriorated, and, in 1241, by Haakon's order, Snorri was assassinated.

      Snorri's writings are remarkable both for their scope and for their formal assurance. The Prose Edda is a handbook on poetics. In this work Snorri arranges and recounts the legends of Norse mythology in an entertaining way. He then explains the ornate diction of the ancient skaldic poets and explains the great variety of poetic metres used in skaldic and Eddic verse. Snorri also wrote a biography of St. Oláf of Norway, which he included in his Heimskringla, a history of the Norwegian kings from their legendary descent from the warrior-wizard god Odin down to Magnus Erlingsson (1184). A three-volume English translation by Samuel Laing (1844) has been frequently reprinted. Snorri based the Heimskringla on earlier histories, but he gathered much fresh material of his own. He particularly valued poems transmitted orally from the time of the original historical events they described, and he selected those poetic traditions that seemed to be both authoritative and reflective of contemporary politics and human nature. His genius lay in his power to present all that he perceived critically as a historian with the immediacy of drama.

      The qualities of intelligence, warmth, and scholarly industry in Snorri's writings contrast sharply with the weak, shifty character that emerges in the account of his life by his nephew in the Sturlunga saga. See also Edda; Heimskringla.

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