
/hap"euh ning/, n.
1. something that happens; occurrence; event.
2. an unconventional dramatic or artistically orchestrated performance, often a series of discontinuous events involving audience participation.
3. any event considered worthwhile, unusual, or interesting.
[1545-55; 1965-70 for def. 2; HAPPEN + -ING1]
Syn. 1. incident, episode, instance, affair, case.

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      event that combined elements of painting, poetry, music, dance, and theatre and staged them as a live action. The term Happening was coined by American artist Allan Kaprow (Kaprow, Allan) in the 1950s. The nature of Happenings was influenced by Italian Futurist (Futurism) performance, where the convention ofproscenium architecturewas assaulted, where theactorscould consist of moving lights, machinery, and the audience, and where simultaneity and noise-music were developed. Happenings were also influenced by Dada's chance-derived assembly of events and by gestural painting, the latter of which was increasingly recognized as an event as seen in Jackson Pollock (Pollock, Jackson)'s drip-painting techniquefree-associative gestures he made while dripping, splattering, and pouring paint on canvases placed on the ground.

      Happenings were briefly taken up by a number of American Pop (Pop art) artists including Jim Dine (Dine, Jim), Claes Oldenburg (Oldenburg, Claes), and Red Grooms. The term quickly became applied to a wide variety of live art eventsfrom the painterly gestures of Japan's Gutai group to the street actions of Czech dissident Milan Knizak and his Aktual group. Happenings were also a part of Fluxus. Kaprow, Dick Higgins, and Al Hansen, all students at John Cage (Cage, John)'s composition class at the New School for Social Research in New York, performed Happenings and were associated with Fluxus, as were others, such as Wolf Vostell and Carolee Schneemann.

      Important precedents for Happenings included Oskar Schlemmers's Bauhaus experiments in abstract theatre, the Theatre of Cruelty (Cruelty, Theatre of) and the Theatre of the Absurd (Absurd, Theatre of the), and the simultaneous actions coordinated by John Cage at Black Mountain College in 1952, which included the poet Charles Olson (Olson, Charles), the dancer and choreographer Merce Cunningham (Cunningham, Merce), and the artist Robert Rauschenberg (Rauschenberg, Robert), who went on to create a number of Happenings throughout the 1960s. In France, Yves Klein (Klein, Yves)'s choreographed installation and his sale of Zones of Immaterial Pictorial Sensitivity provided more examples of ethereal and time-based art, as did Georges Mathieu's theatrical demonstrations of painting, which he took to Japan.

      Even during their short heyday, Happenings never shared a common cause or style. Despite occasional aesthetic and structural similarities, their impetus ranged from the French artist Jean-Jacques Lebel's politically motivated guerrilla theatre to Red Grooms's expanded vaudeville. It is clear, however, that all shared a desire to operate in the much-discussed gap between art and life. Happenings as a descriptive term lost currency in the late 1960s, giving way to specific categories, such as body art, and, by the early 1970s, to the general label performance art.

Additional Reading
General introductions are provided by Allan Kaprow, Assemblage, Environments & Happenings (1966); Michael Kirby (ed.), Happenings: An Illustrated Anthology (1965); Udo Kultermann, Art-Events and Happenings, trans. from German (1971); Mariellen R. Sandford (ed.), Happenings and Other Acts (1995); and H. Sohm (compiler), Happening & Fluxus (1970), an exhibition catalog in German.

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