Gran Chaco

Gran Chaco
/grddahn chah"kaw/
an extensive subtropical region in central South America, in Argentina, Bolivia, and Paraguay. 300,000 sq. mi. (777,000 sq. km). Also called Chaco.

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Spanish Chaco or El Chaco

Lowland alluvial plain, south-central South America.

An arid lowland, it is bounded by the Andes Mountains to the west and the Paraguay and Paraná rivers to the east; its northern and southern margins, generally considered to be a marshy area in Bolivia and the Salado River in Argentina, respectively, are less well defined. Its area is about 280,000 sq mi (725,000 sq km). The region's heartland, in the fork of the Paraguay and Pilcomayo rivers, was fought over by Bolivia and Paraguay in the Chaco War (193235). By a 1938 treaty a larger eastern part went to Paraguay and a smaller western part to Bolivia. Chaco's wildlife is abundant, and there are at least 60 known species of snakes. Cattle grazing is a major economic activity. The area remains isolated and is only sparsely populated.

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      lowland alluvial plain in interior south-central South America. The name is of Quechua origin, meaningHunting Land.”

      Largely uninhabited, the Gran Chaco is an arid subtropical region of low forests and savannas traversed by only two permanent rivers and practically unmarked by roads or rail lines. It is bounded on the west by the Andes mountain ranges and on the east by the Paraguay and Paraná rivers. The Chaco's northern and southern boundaries are not as precise: it generally is said to reach northward to the Izozog Swamps in eastern Bolivia and southward to about latitude 30° S, or roughly the Salado River in Argentina. Thus defined, the Gran Chaco extends some 450 miles (725 km) from east to west and about 700 miles (1,100 km) from north to south and covers about 280,000 square miles (725,000 square kilometres); of this total, slightly more than half lies within Argentina, a third in Paraguay, and the remainder in Bolivia.

      The two permanent rivers of the Gran Chaco, the Pilcomayo (Pilcomayo River) and the Bermejo (Bermejo River) (Teuco), flow southeastward across the plain from their Andean headwaters to the Paraguay River and demarcate the three main regional divisions of the Chaco in Paraguay and Argentina: the Chaco Boreal north of the Pilcomayo, the Chaco Central between the two rivers, and the Chaco Austral south of the Bermejo; the portion of the Chaco in Bolivia commonly is called the Bolivian Chaco.

Physical features

      The Gran Chaco is a vast geosynclinal basin formed by subsidence (or downwarping) of the area between the Andean cordilleras on the west and the Brazilian Highlands on the east as it filled with alluvial debris from these two features. Because of its alluvial character, the Gran Chaco is nearly stone-free and is composed of unconsolidated sandy and silty sediments that are up to 10,000 feet (3,050 metres) deep in some places. The only rock outcrops of consequence are a few isolated remnants in Paraguay along the Paraguay River and some sandstone mesas in northern Paraguay and southern Bolivia.

      All but the extreme northwestern sector of the Gran Chaco is drained by west-bank tributaries of the Paraguay and Paraná rivers. The Bermejo and the Pilcomayo, even though they manage to traverse the Chaco, remain typical of most Chaco streams. Their courses are marked by countless sloughs, oxbow lakes, braided channels, sandbars, and vast swamplands; and they sustain such high losses from flooding, seepage, and evaporation that only a meagre portion of their full flow ever reaches the parent stream. Much of the Chaco is so poorly drained that the shallow, irregular channels on the exceptionally level plain lead to rapid and extensive flooding during the rainy southern summers (October to March). At the peak of these floods, as much as 42,000 square miles, or about one-seventh, of the area of the Chaco may be inundated, although some of this is caused as much by improper drainage of the impermeable subsoils as by overflow of the streams. Saline water is common in both deep and shallow wells, and the location and maintenance of freshwater supplies generally is a matter of chance. The problem appears to be greatest in the Chaco Boreal, although it has been suggested that the situation is more like that of the remainder of the Chaco or like the Argentine Pampa, where groundwater problems are not now considered to be as severe as early settlers and explorers had postulated.

      Chaco soils range from sandy to heavy clay. Soils in the more humid east have more organic material and lateritic subsoils, whereas in the west the soils contain less surface organic material and have predominately calcareous subsoils. The local determining factor is drainage, whether a function of soil texture or of relative relief. Sometimes differences in elevation of less than three feet result in different soil types. Grasslands, or savannas, generally tend to be associated with sandier soils, bushlands with poorly drained clay soils, and the forestland with better-drained clay soils. In many cases, the high concentration of dissolved salts in the groundwater creates conditions in swampy sites that are intolerable to most plants, thus extending an arid appearance even into many areas where water is abundant.

      With its considerable north-south extent, the Gran Chaco is subject to climates that vary from tropical in the north to warm-temperate in the south. Most of the region, however, is subtropical. Average temperatures vary from 60° to 85° F (16° to 29° C), with an average relative humidity between 50 and 75 percent. Great temperature contrasts exist, and the highest recorded temperatures for the continent occur in the Chaco. Average maximums are near 80° F (27° C), and absolute maximums may reach 116° F (47° C). The average minimum is about 57° F (14° C), although freezing winter temperatures can occur throughout the region.

      The highest average annual rainfall52 inches (1,320 millimetres)—is in the east, and precipitation gradually decreases to about 20 inches in the far west. Although the rainfall normally would be adequate for agriculture, roughly a third to half of the total comes in the hot summer. Evaporation losses sharply reduce the effective precipitation and give the Chaco an arid nature that is absent only in the permanent swamps and forests along the Paraguay River.

      Although light breezes are common, outbreaks of cool polar air from the south, called pamperos in Argentina, bring thunderstorms and strong gusty winds that occasionally exceed 60 miles per hour. These air masses move northward into the Amazon basin (where they are called friagems). The windiest season, however, is spring, during the transition from warm to hot weather. Dust storms may occur in the dry season.

Plant life
 The vegetation of the Gran Chaco is intimately associated with the pattern of soils and reflects the same general east-west division. The eastern Chaco is noted for its parklike landscape of clustered trees and shrubs interspersed with tall, herbaceous savannas. To the west, a wide transition zone grades into the espinal, a dry forest of spiny, thorny shrubs and low trees. Chaco vegetation is adapted to grow under arid conditions and is highly varied and exceedingly complex. The climax vegetation is called quebrachales, and consists of vast, low hardwood forests where various species of quebracho tree are dominant and economically important as sources of tannin and lumber. These forests cover extensive areas away from the rivers; nearer the rivers they occupy the higher, better-drained sites, giving rise to a landscape in which the forests appear to be islands amid a sea of savanna grasses growing as high as a person on horseback. In the more arid western Chaco, thorn forests (thorn forest), the continuity of which is occasionally broken by palm groves, saline steppes, and savannas induced by fire or deforestation, are dominated by another quebracho tree that has a lower tannin content and is used most often for lumber. There is also a marked increase in the number and density of thorny species, among which the notorious vinal (Prosopis ruscifolia) was declared a national plague in Argentina because its thorns, up to a foot in length, created a livestock hazard in the agricultural lands it was invading.

Animal life
      True to its name, the Gran Chaco has an abundance of wildlife. Among the larger animals are the jaguar, ocelot, puma, tapir, giant armadillo, spiny anteater, many foxes, numerous small wildcats, the agouti (a large rodent), the capybara (water hog), the maned wolf, the palustrian deer, the peccary, and the guanaco (a camelid related to the llama). The Chaco is one of the last major refuges for the rhea (or nandu), a large, flightless South American bird, and it has long been noted for its abundant and varied bird population. The streams are host to more than 400 fish species, among which are the salmonlike dorado and the flesh-eating piranha. Countless travelers' tales complain of the pestilent insects. Reptiles also are abundant, with numerous lizards and at least 60 known species of snakes, including many pit vipers and constrictors, while at least six species of poisonous tree toads have been identified.

The people and economy

Early settlement
      The indigenous peoples of the Chaco were numerous. Because of their subsistence as hunters, gatherers, and fishermen, tribal units were not much larger than extended families. Nevertheless, from among the diverse dialects, anthropologists have described a few major linguistic associations: the Guaycurú (Mbayá), Lengua, Wichí, Zamuco, and Tupí-Guaraní. Most of these people lived under extremely primitive conditions; settlement depended on the availability of fresh water, making stream courses the most coveted sites. Implements were fashioned largely from wood and bones because of the absence of stones, while the spiny leaves of the pineapple-like groundcover carraguatas served as a universal source of fibre. The Chaco forest, despite its harshness, contained more plant sources of human sustenancee.g., edible pods, fruits, berries, and tubersthan surrounding areas, and this factor was well exploited by the native peoples. Game was gathered by trapping, netting, clubbing, and spearing, often in conjunction with large group drives. For those Indian groups still living outside the limits of European settlement, conditions are only slightly modified today, although these people now have domesticated animals and metal tools. Most tribes, however, exist as sort of a peasant pioneer fringe and practice some form of shifting subsistence agriculture.

European colonization and economic activity
      Aside from the scattered (although successful) agricultural communes (reducciones) of the Jesuits and the settlement of Asunción, Paraguay, on its eastern fringe, the Chaco defied effective European occupancy (European exploration) until well into the 19th century. Hostile Indian groups, in concert with the forbidding nature of the Chaco itself, limited European influence in the colonial period to a situation much like a state of siege.

      The limited early colonization in the Argentine and Bolivian Chaco was based on exploitation of the longhorn criollo (or Creole) cattle that roamed half wild throughout the region. The western Chaco Austral, near Salta, also was exploited as a source of heavy timbers for the mines in the highlands of Bolivia and Peru. In the late 19th century, the Chaco in Argentina and southern Paraguay became a land of great ranches (estancias) raising criollo cattle, and numerous, small, independent camps (obrajes) of woodcutters exploited the abundant hardwoods of the Chaco forests for lumber and firewood. Cattle grazing has continued to be the most extensive use of the land, with few substantial changes from pioneer days. One of the key problems in improving the cattle industry has been the apparent endemic nature of many serious cattle diseases and pests against which criollo cattle have developed some immunity, whereas purebred cattle have remained fully susceptible.

      In the eastern Chaco, vast, highly capitalized industrial ventures established large plants to process the great quantities of tannin found in the various quebracho species. Unlike the obrajes of the woodcutters, these operations were large, centralized mills adjacent to rivers or rail lines, from which the selective cutting of quebracho has proceeded at a systematic pace. The slow growth habits of the quebracho trees, however, pose a threat to the tannin industry, as the pace of the harvest easily can exceed reforestation efforts. The relatively untouched Bolivian Chaco contains stands of quebracho timber, but most of these are in remote areas and have not been exploited while production has continued in the more accessible areas. Quebracho tannin has remained one of the economic mainstays of the Chaco, but it has faced competition from other sources of tannin, both natural and synthetic. Other forest products include lumber and heavy timbers from a variety of other species, firewood, and palo santo oil from the wood of Bulnesia sarmientii, a tree found in the more arid portions of the Chaco.

Modern developments
       cotton has become another principal crop of the Chaco. Wild cotton has been known in much of the region since pre-Columbian times, but it never was grown as anything more than an agricultural curiosity until the 20th century. During World War I, with cotton prices at a peak, large areas in Argentina's Chaco province were converted to cotton cultivation. Production was enhanced considerably by the use of irrigation and the development of drought-resistant stocks. The crop area subsequently has been expanded in Argentina, and cotton has become important in Paraguay; it also is grown in lesser quantities in Bolivia. These increases have occurred despite bad markets, insect plagues, and often poor weather in many years and more recent problems with soil erosion. Both fibre and cottonseed oil (petroleum) are produced, mainly for domestic consumption. Other crops include linseed, sunflowers, sorghum, and corn (maize).

      The discovery of oil in the Bolivian piedmont in the 1920s led within a decade to the disastrous Chaco War between Bolivia and Paraguay, each country hoping to find more oil in the neighbouring Chaco Boreal. Paraguayan claims eventually were honoured, but they did not include any part of the oil-rich piedmont; subsequent explorations in Paraguay have been disappointing. Oil has been discovered across the border in Argentina, however, and large quantities of natural gas have been recovered on the northern fringe of the Bolivian Chaco near Santa Cruz.

      Since World War II, efforts have been made by the respective governments to spur settlement of the Chaco. Argentine interest has been concentrated along the railways out of Resistencia and Formosa, with pioneer settlements composed mainly of eastern European immigrants and based on cotton production. In the central Paraguayan (Paraguay) Chaco, which has been accessible by road only since 1965, Mennonite immigrants from Canada had settled in the 1920s and were joined by coreligionists from the Soviet Union in the 1930s. These settlers established self-sufficient colonies and were joined by another large contingent of refugees from the Soviet Union after World War II. The primary land use in the Bolivian (Bolivia) Chaco is still open cattle range. The nearby supplies of oil and natural gas and the hydroelectric and water storage capacity of such fast-flowing piedmont streams as the Pilcomayo, however, offer great development potential.

Gene E. Martin Mark D.H. Miller Kempton E. Webb

Additional Reading
Literature in English for the Gran Chaco is scarce. Early descriptions include Luis Jorge Fontana, El Gran Chaco (1881, reprinted 1977), the diary (in Spanish) of an 18th-century explorer; and John Graham Kerr, A Naturalist in the Gran Chaco (1950, reprinted 1968), an account of the author's expeditions in 188997. More recent discussions can be found in the relevant sections of Herbert Wilhelmy and Wilhelm Rohmeder, Die La Plata Länder: Argentinien, Paraguay, Uruguay (1963); and Preston E. James, Latin America, 4th ed. (1969); and in Philip Caraman, The Lost Paradise: An Account of the Jesuits in Paraguay, 16071768 (1975); and John Renshaw, “Property, Resources and Equality Among the Indians of the Paraguyan Chaco,” Man, 23(2):334352 (June 1988).Kempton E. Webb

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