
gorillalike, adj.gorillian, gorilline /geuh ril"uyn, -in/, adj.gorilloid, adj.
/geuh ril"euh/, n.
1. the largest of the anthropoid apes, Gorilla gorilla, terrestrial and vegetarian, of western equatorial Africa and the Kivu highlands, comprising the subspecies G. g. gorilla (western lowland gorilla), G. g. graueri (eastern lowland gorilla), and G. g. beringei (mountain gorilla): now rare.
2. an ugly, brutish person.
3. Slang. a hoodlum or thug, esp. one who threatens or inflicts violence.
[1790-1800; < NL < Gk Goríllas (acc. pl.) name for a race of hairy women in Hanno's account of his voyage along the coast of Africa (5th century B.C.)]

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Largest of the great apes.

A stocky, powerful forest dweller native to equatorial Africa, the gorilla (Gorilla gorilla) has black skin and hair, large nostrils, and prominent brow ridges. Adults have long, powerful arms; short, stocky legs; an extremely thick, strong chest; and a protruding abdomen. Adult males have a prominent crest on top of the skull and a "saddle" of gray or silver hairs on the lower part of the back. Males, about twice as heavy as females, may reach a height of about 5.5 ft (1.7 m) and a weight of 300600 lbs (135275 kg). Gorillas are mainly terrestrial, walking about on all four limbs. They live in stable family groups of six to 20 animals that are led by one or two silverbacked males. They eat leaves, stalks, and shoots. They are unaggressive and even shy unless provoked. They are calmer and more persistent than chimpanzees; though not as adaptable, gorillas are highly intelligent and capable of problem solving. The gorilla is hunted for its body parts and meat, and its habitat is disappearing. It is an endangered species throughout its range; the mountain subspecies is critically endangered.

Male gorilla (Gorilla gorilla).

Kenneth W. Fink/Root Resources

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primate species
      largest of the apes (ape) and the closest living relative to humans, with the exception of the chimpanzee. Gorillas live only in tropical forests (tropical rainforest) of equatorial Africa. Most authorities recognize a single species, Gorilla gorilla, with three races: the western lowland gorilla (G. gorilla gorilla) of the lowland rainforests (rainforest) from Cameroon to the Congo River, the eastern lowland gorilla (G. gorilla graueri) of the lowland rainforests of the eastern Democratic Republic of the Congo (Kinshasa), and the mountain gorilla (G. gorilla beringei), found in the montane rainforests and bamboo forests of the highland terrain north and east of Lake Kivu (Kivu, Lake), near the borders of Uganda, Rwanda, and Congo (Kinshasa).

  The gorilla is robust and powerful, with an extremely thick, strong chest and a protruding abdomen. Both skin and hair are black. The face has large nostrils, small ears, and prominent brow ridges. Adults have long, muscular arms that are 1520 percent longer than the stocky legs. Males are about twice as heavy as females and may attain a height of about 1.7 metres (5.5 feet) and weight (in the wild) of 135220 kg (300485 pounds). Captive gorillas of both sexes may grow quite fat and hence become much heavier. A wild adult female typically is about 1.5 metres tall and weighs about 7090 kg. Gorillas lack hair on the face, hands, and feet, and the chest of old males is bare. The hair of the mountain gorilla is longer than that of the other two subspecies. Adult males have a prominent crest on top of the skull and asaddleof gray or silver hairs on the lower part of the backhence the term silverback, which is commonly used to refer to mature males. The saddle is much more conspicuous in eastern gorillas, which are jet black, than in western gorillas, which are more of a deep gray-brown.

 Gorillas live in stable family groups numbering from 6 to 30. The groups are led by one or two (occasionally more) silverbacked males that are related to each other, usually a father and one or more of his sons. Occasionally brothers lead a group. The other members are females, infants, juveniles, and young adult males (blackbacks). Adult females join from outside the group, and the young are offspring of silverbacks.

      The gorilla is active during the day (diurnal) and primarily terrestrial, usually walking about on all four limbs with part of its weight supported on the knuckles of its hands. This mode of locomotion, called knuckle walking, is shared with chimpanzees. Occasionally gorillas stand erect, mainly when displaying. Females and young climb more than males, mainly because much vegetation cannot support the weight of males.

      Their diet is vegetarian; that of eastern gorillas includes leaves, stalks, and shoots, but western gorillas eat much more fruit. Gorillas generally dislike water, but in some areas, such as the Sangha-Ndoki region on the borders of Cameroon, the Republic of the Congo (Brazzaville), and the Central African Republic, they wade waist-deep into swampy clearings to feed on aquatic plants. Gorillas spend much of their time foraging and resting, with the group traveling a few hundred metres between several daily feeding bouts. Each group wanders through a home range of about 240 square km (0.7716 square miles), though several different groups may share the same part of the forest. At dusk each gorilla builds its own crude sleeping nest by bending branches and foliage. A new nest is built every night either on the ground or in the trees.

      The gorilla is much larger than its closest relative, the chimpanzee, and has a less-boisterous disposition. Although it is a relatively quiet animal, the repertoire of gorilla calls includes grunts, hoots, a terrifying alarm bark, and the roar, which is given by aggressive males. Much has been written about the ferocity of the gorilla, but studies indicate that it is unaggressive, even shy, unless unduly disturbed. Intruders may be faced by the leading silverback of the group, which may make aggressive displays in attempting to protect his dependents. Such displays commonly involve chest beating, vocalization, or short rushes toward the intruder followed in most instances by a discreet withdrawal. Chest beating is performed by both males and females, but it is much louder in males owing to air sacs in the throat and chest that make the sound more resonant. Chest beating is often part of a ritual that may also include running sideways, tearing at vegetation, and slapping the ground. In addition to intimidating outsiders (gorilla or human), these displays also act as communication between groups and are often used to maintain the dominance hierarchy within the group.

      Cognitively, gorillas lack the curiosity and adaptability of chimpanzees, but gorillas are calmer and more persistent. Captive gorillas have shown a capacity for problem solving and have demonstrated a degree of insight as well as memory and anticipation of experience. They appear to be as adept as chimpanzees at learning sign language from humans. Some gorillas can recognize their image in a mirror and can thus be said to have a limited sense of self-awareness. This trait is shared with chimpanzees and orangutans (orangutan) and, with the exception of bottlenose dolphins, is not observed in any other nonhuman species.

      Wild female gorillas give birth about once every four years, and there is no fixed breeding season. The gestation period is about eight and a half months, and births are usually single, though twins occur on rare occasions. A newborn gorilla weighs only about 2 kg and is utterly helpless for the first three months of life, during which it is carried in its mother's arms. The young gorilla sleeps in the mother's nest at night and rides on her back during the day. Female gorillas begin to reach reproductive maturity at about 10 years of age and then transfer to another group or to a lone silverback. Males reach sexual maturity at about age 9, but they do not reproduce until they become more physically mature silverbacks at about 1215 years of age. Most male gorillas leave the group in which they were born and try to gather females to form their own family group. This may involve some aggression, since a young male may invade an established group and try tokidnapfemales, sometimes killing infants in the process. Occasionally a male will stay in his birth group and become its second silverback, breeding with some of the females and ultimately taking over its leadership when his father ages or dies. The life expectancy of wild gorillas is about 35 years, though captive gorillas have lived into their 40s.

      The gorilla has become increasingly rare throughout its range, having suffered from human destruction of its forest habitat and from big-game hunting and overcollection by zoos and research institutions. A newer threat is hunting associated with the bushmeat trade, especially to feed logging crews. The International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) has listed the eastern lowland gorilla as an endangered species and the mountain gorilla as critically endangered, its population estimated at only 700. Reasons for the near extinction of this race include continued loss of habitat as a result of human activities: farming, grazing, logging, and, recently, habitat destruction by refugees. At the same time, ecotourism involving visits by travelers to see gorillas in their natural habitat has contributed to the conservation of the mountain gorilla.

      Population estimates of the western lowland gorilla, once classified by the IUCN as critically endangered, doubled in 2008 with the discovery of a previously unknown population. This population, numbering more than 100,000, inhabits the swamps of the Lac Télé Community Reserve in the Republic of the Congo.

      Within the genus Gorilla it has been argued that eastern and western gorillas should be regarded as separate species: G. gorilla (western) and G. beringei (eastern, with two subspecies beringei and graueri). Molecular genetic evidence indicates that eastern and western gorillas became separate more than a million years ago. It has also been proposed that the small population of gorillas in the Cross River mountains on the Nigeria-Cameroon border could be a separate subspecies of the western lowland gorilla. The mountain gorillas of the Bwindi Impenetrable Forest in Uganda might be an additional subspecies of the eastern gorilla.

Additional Reading
A.F. Dixson, The Natural History of the Gorilla (1981), is the most complete treatment available in English. William C. McGrew, Linda F. Marchant, and Toshisada Nishida (eds.), Great Ape Societies (1996), devotes some chapters to gorillas; other chapters compare gorillas' social behaviour with that of chimpanzees, bonobos, and orangutans. Terry L. Maple and Michael P. Hoff, Gorilla Behavior (1982), describes ethological studies of both captive and wild gorillas along with providing information on their biology, conservation, and care. Gorillas: Tender Giants, presented by Discovery Channel Pictures and Silverback Productions Ltd. (1996), captures on video the daily activities of western lowland gorillas in the wild; whereas the video Gorillas, hosted by George Page for WNET (1989, reissued 1997), documents the life of mountain gorillas.

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