
/braz"euh vil', brah"zeuh-/; Fr. /brddann zann veel"/, n.
a port in and the capital of the People's Republic of the Congo, in the S part, on the Congo (Zaire) River: former capital of French Equatorial Africa. 290,000.

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River port (pop., 1992 est.: 937,579), capital of Republic of the Congo.

Lying on the north bank of the Congo River across from Kinshasa, it was founded in 1883 by Pierre Savorgnan de Brazza. Developed as a European administrative and residential center, it was used as a base for later claims of France to lands to the northeast; it became the capital of French Equatorial Africa. The river port forms the terminus of the Congo-ocean transport system, with steamer service to the Congo's upper reaches and a railroad to Pointe-Noire 245 mi (394 km) west.

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      city (commune), capital, and river port of the Republic of the Congo and former capital of French Equatorial Africa. It is situated on the north bank of the Congo River below Malebo (Stanley) Pool, across from Kinshasa, capital of the Democratic Republic of the Congo. It was founded in 1883, when the village of Ntamo waspurchasedby the French, who developed it as a European administrative and residential centre. Until the early 1960s the centre of the city remained European, with African sections developing in the northeast (Poto-Poto) and southwest (Bacongo and Makélékélé). The centre city remains the focus of administration and commerce.

      The river port forms the terminus of the Congo-Ocean transport system, with steamer service to the upper reaches of the Congo River and a railroad to Pointe-Noire, on the Atlantic coast, 245 miles (394 km) west. The port facilities were expanded after World War II. Almost half of the shipping involved is transit trade for other central African countries. Although the port is the focus of a rather extensive industrial and processing area, the primary activity of Brazzaville remains that of an administrative centre. It has a Roman Catholic cathedral, and in 1961 a teachers' training centre was established there, which was the nucleus for a national university established in 1972. Students are drawn to the centre from Gabon, Chad, and the Central African Republic. Brazzaville also has vocational and technical institutes, the Poto-Poto School of African Art, and the regional headquarters of the World Health Organization. The city is served by an international airport at Maya Maya. Pop. (1992 est.) 937,579.

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Universalium. 2010.

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