
/skot/, n.
1. a native or inhabitant of Scotland.
2. one of an ancient Gaelic people who came from northern Ireland about the 6th century A.D. and settled in the northwestern part of Great Britain, and after whom Scotland was named.
[bef. 900; ME; OE Scottas (pl.) < LL Scotti the Irish]
1. Scots.
2. Scottish.

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ancient people
      any member of an ancient Gaelic-speaking people of Ireland or Scotland in the early Middle Ages. Originally (until the 10th century) “Scotiadenoted Ireland, and the inhabitants of Scotia were Scotti. The area of Argyll and Bute, where the migrant Celts from northern Ireland settled, became known as the kingdom of Dalriada, the counterpart to Dalriada in Ireland. St. Columba (Columba, Saint) inaugurated Christianity among them and helped raise Aidan to the kingship of Scottish Dalriada probably in 574. The Scots then expanded eastward at the expense of the Picts, into what came to be known as the Forest of Atholl and Strath Earn (valley of the River Earn) and northward into the area of Elgin. The union of the lands of modern Scotland began in 843, when Kenneth I MacAlpin, king of the Scots (Dalriada), became also king of the Picts and, within a few years, joinedPict-landtoScot-landto form the kingdom of Alba. By 1034, by inheritance and warfare, the Scots had secured hegemony over not only Alba but also Lothian, Cumbria, and Strathclyderoughly the territory of modern mainland Scotland. In 1305 the kingdom was divided into Scotland, Lothian, and Galloway; in the 14th century Scotland came to be the name for the whole land, and all its inhabitants were called Scots, whatever their origin.

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