
/glad'ee oh"leuhs/, n., pl. gladiolus, gladioli /-luy/, gladioluses for 1; gladioli for 2.
1. any plant of the genus Gladiolus, of the iris family, native esp. to Africa, having erect, sword-shaped leaves and spikes of flowers in a variety of colors.
2. Anat. the middle and largest segment of the sternum. Cf. manubrium (def. 2a), xiphisternum.
[1560-70; < L: small sword, sword lily, equiv. to gladi(us) sword + -olus -OLE1]

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Any of about 300 species of flowering plants of the genus Gladiolus, in the iris family, native to Europe, Africa, and the Mediterranean and widely cultivated for cut flowers.

The flowering spike, which springs from a corm, reaches 23 ft (6090 cm) in height and has many funnel-shaped flowers, all clustered on one side of the stem. There are six petal-like floral parts and sparse, swordlike leaves. Cultivated gladioli, which come in all colours, have been developed mostly from southern and eastern African species.

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plant genus
also called  Gladiola,  plural  Gladioli, Gladiolus, or Gladioluses,  
 genus of about 300 species of flowering plants of the iris family (Iridaceae) native to Europe, Africa, and the Mediterranean area and widely cultivated for cut flowers. The flowering spike, which springs from a bulblike structure, the corm, reaches 6090 centimetres (23 feet) in height with numerous funnel-shaped flowers all clustered on one side of the stem. There are six petallike floral parts and sparse, swordlike leaves.

      Cultivated gladioli, which come in all colours, have been developed mostly from South and East African species. The fragrant, white G. tristis from South Africa is more delicate than the cultivated hybrids. Several species of gladiolus are native in Europe, including the magenta field gladiolus (G. segetum) that grows in grainfields.

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  • GLADIOLUS — apud Plain. l. 21. c. 11. Post hanc gladiolus comitatus hyazinthis: flos est, quem ξιφίον seu φασγάνιον vocat Theophrast. Latinique Scriptores retentâ voce Graecâ Xiphium vocant. Alias Gladiolus Romanis idem, qui ξίρις et ξυρὶς Graecis, lilio… …   Hofmann J. Lexicon universale

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  • gladiolus — c.1000, from L. gladiolus wild iris, lit. small sword, dim. of gladius sword (see GLADIATOR (Cf. gladiator)); so called by Pliny in reference to the plant s sword shaped leaves. The O.E. form of the word was gladdon. Form gladiol is attested mid… …   Etymology dictionary

  • gladiolus — [glad΄ē ō′ləs; ] also [ glə dī′ə ləs] n. pl. gladioluses or gladioli [glad΄ē ō′lī΄, ] also [ glə dī′əlī΄] [ModL < L, sword lily, small sword, dim. of gladius: see GLADIATOR] 1. any of a genus (Gladiolus) of plants of the iris family, with… …   English World dictionary

  • Gladiolus — Gla*di o*lus, n.; pl. L. {Gladioli}, E. {Gladioluses}. [L. See {Gladiole}.] [1913 Webster] 1. (Bot.) A genus of plants having bulbous roots and gladiate leaves, and including many species, some of which are cultivated and valued for the beauty of …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Gladiŏlus — (G. L.), Pflanzengattung aus der Familie der Irideen, 3. Kl. 1. Ordn. L.; von den zahlreichen Arten werden einige zu den neu gebildeten Gattungen: Anomatheca, Babiana, Cunonia Büttn., Homoglossum, Synotia Petamenes, Watsonia, Tritonia, Waizia u.a …   Pierer's Universal-Lexikon

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  • gladiolus — ► NOUN (pl. gladioli or gladioluses) ▪ a plant with sword shaped leaves and spikes of brightly coloured flowers. ORIGIN Latin, from gladius sword …   English terms dictionary

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