
cormlike, adj.cormoid, adj.cormous, adj.
/kawrm/, n. Bot.
an enlarged, fleshy, bulblike base of a stem, as in the crocus.
[1820-30; < NL cormus < Gk kormós a tree trunk with boughs lopped off, akin to keírein to cut off, hew]

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Vertical, fleshy, underground stem that acts as a vegetative reproductive structure in certain seed plants.

It bears membranous or scaly leaves and buds. Typical corms are those of the crocus and gladiolus. Corms are sometimes called solid bulbs, or bulbo-tubers, but they are distinguished from true bulbs and tubers.

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plant anatomy
      vertical, fleshy, underground stem that acts as a vegetative reproductive structure in certain seed plants. It bears membranous or scaly leaves and buds. Typical corms are those of the crocus and gladiolus. Corms are sometimes called solid bulbs, or bulbo-tubers, but they are distinguished from true bulbs and tubers (compare bulb; tuber).

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