
/feld"spa thoyd', fel"-/, Mineral.
1. Also, feldspathoidal. of or pertaining to a group of minerals similar in chemical composition to certain feldspars except for a lower silica content.
2. a mineral of this group, as nepheline.
[1895-1900; < G Feldspath (see FELDSPAR) + -OID]

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Any of a group of alkali aluminosilicate minerals similar to the feldspars in composition but having a lower silica-alkali ratio or containing chloride, sulfide, sulfate, or carbonate.

Their physical and chemical properties lie between those of the feldspars and zeolites. The most abundant feldspathoids are nepheline and leucite. Other significant varieties include kalsilite, sodalite, nosean, and haüynite. Feldspathoids are found chiefly in igneous and metamorphic rocks; they are used as raw materials in the production of alum, glass, and ceramics.

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      any of a group of alkali aluminosilicate minerals similar to the feldspars (feldspar) in chemical composition but either having a lower silica-alkali ratio or containing chloride, sulfide, sulfate, or carbonate. They are considered to be the specific minerals of igneous rocks usually termed alkalic, which is the designation applied to igneous rocks whose alkali content (i.e., amount of sodium [Na] and/or potassium [K]) exceeds the amount required by the available silica to form one or more feldspars plus or minus mica. Minerals of the feldspathoid group whose silica contents are less than those of their feldspar analogues include nephelin, leucite, sodalite, and cancrinite.

Chemical composition and crystal structure
 The feldspathoid group minerals are sodium, potassium, and calcium aluminosilicates, many of which resemble the feldspars in appearance. Like the feldspars, they have framework structures that consist of silica and alumina tetrahedrons. Unlike the feldspars, however, the arrangements of the tetrahedrons differ from species to species, and the interstices may contain water and/or other simple or complex anions such as chlorine (Cl-), carbonate (CO2-/3), or sulfate (SO2-/4), as well as sodium, potassium, and calcium. Consequently, different feldspathoids have somewhat different structures: some are isometric (isometric system), others are hexagonal (hexagonal system), and still others are tetragonal (tetragonal system). Chemical formulas and crystal-system data for a few of the feldspathoids are given in the Table—>.

Physical properties
      The physical properties of the various feldspathoids differ from those of the feldspars and from one another. Properties of nepheline, leucite, sodalite, and cancrinite are summarized below.

      Nepheline (hardness [H] 51/26, specific gravity [G] 2.562.67) typically occurs as irregularly shaped, white, gray, or brownish, greasy- to waxy-appearing grains that may exhibit one rather poor cleavage. Simple hexagonal prisms occur as phenocrysts in some volcanic porphyries. On weathered exposures, nepheline grains are commonly weathered more than their associated minerals, thus leaving, for example, feldspar grains of nepheline syenites in relief. A simple test often used to help identify nepheline is based on the fact that it, as well as sodalite and cancrinite, reacts with acids to form gelatinous silica.

       leucite (H 51/26, G 2.472.50) commonly occurs as white to light gray trapezohedrons. The crystal form represents the formation of leucite as an isometric mineral. However, the mineral can be shown to be tetragonal by methods such as optical studies. The crystal form of leucite indicates the conditions under which it was crystallized, and the tetragonal structure shows that it has undergone post-crystallization inversion.

       sodalite (H 51/26, G 2.272.50) consists of a group of minerals. Different species of this group may exhibit different colours. The sodalite of most rocks occurs as irregularly shaped, translucent, bluish-coloured grains with a vitreous to greasy lustre.

       cancrinite (H 56, G 2.322.51) typically occurs as yellowish grains, some of which exhibit one perfect cleavage, that are closely associated with one or more of the other feldspathoids, most commonly nepheline.

Origin and occurrence
      The feldspathoids are relatively rare. As noted previously, they are considered here primarily because they are the specific minerals used in naming alkalic igneous rocks. In this role, the feldspathoids, along with minerals of the melilite group, are referred to as foids in the IUGS classification of igneous rocks. Feldspathoids may occur along with feldspars in igneous rocks. They do not occur in igneous rocks containing original free silicai.e., in rocks that contain quartz of the same generation. They are, in fact, incompatible with consanguineous quartz (that derived from the same parent magma), as is quite apparent from the following equations:

      As can be seen from these equations, a feldspar would form in lieu of its feldspathoid chemical analogue in any silica-saturated magma.

      Nepheline is the most common feldspathoid; it is a major constituent of many alkalic (alkali feldspar) igneous rocks (igneous rock) such as nepheline syenites. Feldspathoids also occur in a few other kinds of rockse.g., contact-metamorphic skarns.

      Nepheline is sometimes used as a source of soda, silica, and alumina in the manufacture of glass and ceramics. Leucite was formerly used in Italy for fertilizer. Sodalite, once treasured as the basic ingredient of ultramarine pigment, is still used as a gemstone and as the desired constituent of many of the blue rocks used as facing stones.

R.V. Dietrich

Additional Reading
William L. Brown (ed.), Feldspars and Feldspathoids: Structures, Properties, and Occurrences (1984).R.V. Dietrich

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