
/sohd"l uyt'/, n.
a mineral, sodium aluminum silicate, Na4Al3Si3O12Cl, occurring massive and in crystals, usually blue in color and found in certain alkali-rich igneous rocks.
[1800-10; SODA + -LITE]

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      feldspathoid mineral, a chloride-containing sodium aluminosilicate that occurs with leucite and nepheline in such igneous rocks as nepheline syenite, trachyte, and phonolite. For chemical formula and detailed physical properties, see feldspathoid (table).

      The sodalite group also contains hydroxysodalite (hydroxide substitutes for chloride), nosean (containing sulfide and water), and haüynite (containing sulfide and having calcium partially replacing sodium). Nosean, found as gray, brown, or blue rounded grains containing inclusions, is a common constituent of volcanic ejecta. Haüynite (haüyne) varies in colour from white or gray to green or blue. The blue variety, lazurite, is the primary constituent of lapis lazuli (q.v.); its depth of colour seems to increase with additional sulfide substitution.

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  • Sodalite — So da*lite, n. [Soda + lite: cf. F. sodalithe.] (Min.) A mineral of a white to blue or gray color, occuring commonly in dodecahedrons, also massive. It is a silicate of alumina and soda with some chlorine. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • sodalite — [sō′də līt΄] n. [ SODA + LITE] a usually blue, hard mineral, Na4 (AlSiO4) 3Cl, used in making jewelry; sodium aluminum silicate chloride …   English World dictionary

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  • sodalite — noun A mineral of alkaline igneous and plutonic rocks that are low in silica, of the chemical composition of sodium aluminum silicate with chlorine, NaAlSiOCl. Pink sodalite is sometimes called hackmanite. Sodalite and lazurite form the sodalite… …   Wiktionary

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  • sodalite — noun Etymology: soda Date: 1810 a transparent to translucent mineral that consists of a silicate of sodium and aluminum with some chlorine, has a vitreous or greasy luster, and is found in various igneous rocks …   New Collegiate Dictionary

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