
leucitic /looh sit"ik/, adj.
/looh"suyt/, n.
a whitish or grayish mineral, potassium aluminum silicate, KAlSi2O6, found in alkali volcanic rocks.
[1790-1800; < G Leukit. See LEUCO-, -ITE1]

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One of the most common feldspathoid minerals, potassium aluminosilicate (KAlSi2O6).

It occurs only in igneous rocks, particularly potassium-rich, silica-poor, recent lavas. Some important localities include Rome, Italy; Uganda; and Wyoming's Leucite Hills. Leucite is used as a fertilizer in Italy (because of its high potassium content) and as a source of commercial alum.

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      one of the most important feldspathoid minerals, a potassium aluminosilicate (KAlSi2O6). It occurs only in igneous rocks, particularly potassium-rich, silica-poor, recent lavas. Some important localities include Rome; Uganda; and Leucite Hills, Wyo., U.S. Leucite is used as a fertilizer in Italy (because of its high potassium content) and as a source of commercial alum. For detailed physical properties, see feldspathoid (table).

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  • leucite — [ løsit ] n. f. et m. • 1796; de leuc(o) et ite 1 ♦ N. f. Minér. Silicate de potassium et d aluminium, blanc à l éclat vitreux, que l on trouve dans les roches volcaniques. 2 ♦ N. m. (1890) Bot. ⇒ plaste. ● leucite nom masculin Synonyme ancien de …   Encyclopédie Universelle

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  • leucite — [lo͞o′sīt΄] n. [Ger leucit, now leuzit (< Gr leukos, white: see LIGHT1) + it, ITE1] a white or gray mineral, KAlSi2O6, found in potassium rich igneous rocks; potassium aluminum silicate …   English World dictionary

  • leucite — noun A mineral of silica poor igneous, plutonic and volcanic rocks. Chemically, Leucite is a potassium feldspar with insufficient silica to satisfy the chemical bonds. Because of the unfilled bonds, Leucite weathers rapidly and can only be seen… …   Wiktionary

  • leucite — 1leu·cì·te s.f. TS mineral. minerale di colore bianco del gruppo dei feldspatoidi, costituito da alluminosilicato di potassio, componente abbondante di alcune rocce effusive e ottimo substrato di suoli fertili {{line}} {{/line}} DATA: 1817. ETIMO …   Dizionario italiano

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