
/ig zam"peuhl, -zahm"-/, n., v., exampled, exampling.
1. one of a number of things, or a part of something, taken to show the character of the whole: This painting is an example of his early work.
2. a pattern or model, as of something to be imitated or avoided: to set a good example.
3. an instance serving for illustration; specimen: The case histories gave carefully detailed examples of this disease.
4. an instance illustrating a rule or method, as a mathematical problem proposed for solution.
5. an instance, esp. of punishment, serving as a warning to others: Public executions were meant to be examples to the populace.
6. a precedent; parallel case: an action without example.
7. Rare. to give or be an example of; exemplify (used in the passive).
[1350-1400; ME exa(u)mple < MF example < L exemplum, akin to eximere to take out (ex- EX-1 + emere to buy, orig. take); r. ME exemple < L, as above]
Syn. 1. EXAMPLE, SAMPLE, SPECIMEN refer to an individual phenomenon taken as representative of a type, or to a part representative of the whole. EXAMPLE is used of an object, condition, etc., that is assumed to illustrate a certain principle or standard: a good example of baroque architecture. SAMPLE refers to a small portion of a substance or to a single representative of a group or type that is intended to show what the rest of the substance or the group is like: a sample of yarn. SPECIMEN usually suggests that the "sample" chosen is intended to serve a scientific or technical purpose: a blood specimen; zoological specimens. 2. See ideal. 3. See case1.

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  • example — ► NOUN 1) a thing characteristic of its kind or illustrating a general rule. 2) a person or thing regarded in terms of their fitness to be imitated. ● for example Cf. ↑for example ● make an example of Cf. ↑make an example of …   English terms dictionary

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  • example — UK US /ɪgˈzɑːmpl/ noun [C] ► something used to represent other things because it has all the main qualities or characteristics that they also have: as an example of how/what/why »Economists point to the auto industry as an example of how low… …   Financial and business terms

  • Example — Ex*am ple, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Exampled}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Exampling}.] To set an example for; to give a precedent for; to exemplify; to give an instance of; to instance. [Obs.] I may example my digression by some mighty precedent. Shak. [1913… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • example — late 14c., partial re Latinization of earlier essample, asaumple (mid 13c.), from O.Fr. essemple sample, model, example, precedent, cautionary tale, from L. exemplum a sample, lit. that which is taken out, from eximere take out, remove (see… …   Etymology dictionary

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