
idealness, n.
/uy dee"euhl, uy deel"/, n.
1. a conception of something in its perfection.
2. a standard of perfection or excellence.
3. a person or thing conceived as embodying such a conception or conforming to such a standard, and taken as a model for imitation: Thomas Jefferson was his ideal.
4. an ultimate object or aim of endeavor, esp. one of high or noble character: He refuses to compromise any of his ideals.
5. something that exists only in the imagination: To achieve the ideal is almost hopeless.
6. Math. a subring of a ring, any element of which when multiplied by any element of the ring results in an element of the subring.
7. conceived as constituting a standard of perfection or excellence: ideal beauty.
8. regarded as perfect of its kind: an ideal spot for a home.
9. existing only in the imagination; not real or actual: Nature is real; beauty is ideal.
10. advantageous; excellent; best: It would be ideal if she could accompany us as she knows the way.
11. based upon an ideal or ideals: the ideal theory of numbers.
12. Philos.
a. pertaining to a possible state of affairs considered as highly desirable.
b. pertaining to or of the nature of idealism.
[1605-15; < LL idealis. See IDEA, -AL1]
Syn. 1, 2. epitome. IDEAL, EXAMPLE, MODEL refer to something considered as a standard to strive toward or something considered worthy of imitation.
An IDEAL is a concept or standard of perfection, existing merely as an image in the mind, or based upon a person or upon conduct: We admire the high ideals of a religious person. Sir Philip Sidney was considered the ideal in gentlemanly conduct. An EXAMPLE is a person or the conduct or achievements of a person regarded as worthy of being followed or imitated in a general way; or sometimes, as properly to be avoided: an example of courage; a bad example to one's children. A MODEL is primarily a physical shape to be closely copied, but is also a pattern for exact imitation in conduct or character: They took their leader as a model. 4. intention, objective. 7. perfect, consummate, complete. 9. illusory, imaginary, fanciful, fantastic.

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Universalium. 2010.

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