
/yooh glee"neuh/, n.
a genus of green freshwater protozoans having a reddish eyespot and a single flagellum, found esp. in stagnant waters.
[1895-1900; < NL < Gk eu- EU- + gléne the pupil, eyeball, socket of a joint]

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protist genus
 genus of single-celled organisms with both plant and animal characteristics. It is considered a member of the protozoan order Euglenida or a member of the algal division Euglenophyta. The genus is characterized by an elongated cell (15 to 500 micrometres, or 0.0006 to 0.02 inch) with one nucleus, mostly with pigment-containing chloroplasts (although some species are colourless), a contractile vacuole, an eyespot (stigma), and flagella. Certain species (e.g., E. rubra) appear red in sunlight because they contain a large amount of carotenoid pigment. Some species, which lack a rigid cellulose wall, have a flexible pellicle (envelope) that allows changes in shape. Food, absorbed directly through the cell surface or produced by photosynthesis, is stored as a complex carbohydrate (paramylum). Reproduction is asexual, by longitudinal cell division; sexual reproduction is unknown. Species of Euglena live in fresh and brackish water (water bloom) rich in organic matter. Some species develop large populations as green or redbloomsin ponds or lakes. Several species produce resting cysts that can withstand drying. The colourless species, including some called Astasia, can be used to study cell growth and metabolism in various environmental conditions.

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Universalium. 2010.

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