water bloom

water bloom
Dense aquatic accumulation of microscopic organisms produced by an abundance of nutrients in surface water coupled with adequate sunlight for photosynthesis.

The microorganisms or the toxic substances they release may discolour the water, exhaust its oxygen content, poison aquatic animals and waterfowl, and irritate the skin and respiratory tract of humans. Single species of algae, diatoms, or dinoflagellates, reproducing every few hours, may dominate a bloom's population; the number of individuals per quart (litre) of water, normally about 1,000, can increase to 60 million. Blooms of the dinoflagellate genus Gymnodinium cause red tides. The Red Sea is named for the occasional blooms of the alga Trichodesmium erythraeum. See also water pollution.

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      dense aquatic population of microscopic photosynthetic organisms produced by an abundance of nutrient salts in surface water, coupled with adequate sunlight for photosynthesis. The microorganisms or the toxic substances that they release may discolour the water, deplete its oxygen content, poison aquatic animals and waterfowl, and irritate the skin and respiratory tract of humans. Single species of algae, diatoms, or dinoflagellates, reproducing every few hours, may dominate a blooming population; the number of individuals per litre (quart) of water may range from 1,000 to 60 million.

      In the oceans, annual blooms occur during the early spring in middle to high latitudes, especially in subpolar regions. In such localities phytoplankton do not flourish during the winter because of the short duration and low intensity of sunlight, and because they are preyed upon by grazing zooplankton. During the winter, upwelling restores the nutrient content near the surface, providing support for rapid growth as increased insolation in the spring promotes photosynthesis. In the Northern Hemisphere such a bloom reaches its peak about April. By midsummer the surface waters are depleted of nutrients, and the population of phytoplankton declines. A secondary bloom may occur in autumn, when storms destroy the summer stratification of the water and bring up fresh nutrients; photosynthesis and cell multiplication diminish, however, as solar radiation decreases with winter's approach.

      Sometimes, blooms of the dinoflagellate genus Gymnodinium occur along the U.S. Gulf Coast when abnormally heavy rains increase the runoff of agricultural and industrial wastes. The enormous numbers of these organisms impart a distinct red colour to the water, a phenomenon known as red tide (q.v.). The Red Sea is supposed to have been named for the occasional blooms of the alga Trichodesmium erythraeum.

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