Selected breeds of dairy cattle

Selected breeds of dairy cattle

Selected breeds of dairy cattle
name distribution characteristics comments
Ayrshire originally Scotland, now throughout temperate lands deep, fleshy body; red or brown with white hardy
Brown Swiss originally Switzerland, now North and South America, Europe wedge-shaped body; light to dark brown hardy
Guernsey originally island of Guernsey, now U.K., North America, Australia fawn-coloured, white markings; short horns excellent milk producer
Holstein-Friesian originally Netherlands, now North and South America, Australia, South Africa black and white; horned or hornless large production of milk
Jersey originally island of Jersey, now in every cattle-raising country small, short-horned; vary in colour, often fawn docile, uses feed efficiently
Milking Shorthorn (Shorthorn) originally England, now also U.S., Australia red, red and white, white, or roan highly versatile
Red Poll originally England, now also North America red with some white; hornless dual-purpose breed
See as table:

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