
/shawrt"hawrn'/, n.
one of an English breed of red, white, or roan beef cattle having short horns. Also called Durham.
[1820-30; SHORT + HORN]

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Blocky, short-horned breed of beef cattle developed in the late 18th century by crossbreeding of local cattle in the county of Durham, Eng.

Colour can be white, solid or white-marked red, or roan. The Shorthorn is the only roan-coloured modern cattle breed. It is popular throughout the world. Special strains include the Milking, or Dairy, Shorthorn, raised for milk and beef, and the Polled Shorthorn, a hornless variety.

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▪ breed of cattle
also called  Durham,  
 cattle breed raised for beef. The Shorthorn was developed during the last quarter of the 18th century through selective breeding of local cattle of the Teeswater district, Durham county, in the north of England. It is characterized by short horns, blocky conformation, and colour ranging from red, red with white markings, white, or roan resulting from a mixture of red and white hairs. It is the only roan-coloured modern cattle breed.

      Shorthorns are found in practically every country of the world. They are numerous in North America, in South America (particularly in Argentina), and in Europe, being one of the more popular breeds in the British Isles; in Australia they have long met with favour and have also been bred quite extensively in South Africa. In the United States, Shorthorns are most numerous in the Corn Belt states but have been used in other areas for grading up native or unimproved cattle.

      Within the breed, special strains have been developed, notably the Milking or Dairy Shorthorn, raised for both milk and beef production, and the Polled Shorthorn, a hornless variety.

       Selected breeds of beef cattleSee the Table of Selected Breeds of Beef Cattle (Selected breeds of beef cattle) for further information.

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Universalium. 2010.

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