
/kum"bree euh/, n.
a county in NW England. 473,800; 2659 sq. mi. (6886 sq. km).

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Administrative county (pop., 2001: 487,607), northwestern England.

Extending along the Irish Sea coast from Morecambe Bay to Solway Firth, it includes the famous Lake District. It was established in 1974, with its seat at Carlisle. Human occupation dates from the Neolithic Period. The Romans constructed several roads, a series of forts, and the great complex of Hadrian's Wall. After the mid-10th century, northern Cumbria alternated between Scottish and English rule until it was taken by the English in 1157. Lead, silver, and iron ore have been mined in the district since the 12th century.

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      administrative county in the northwest of England. It comprises six districts: Allerdale, Eden, and South Lakeland, the boroughs of Barrow-in-Furness and Copeland, and the city of Carlisle. The administrative county comprises the historic counties of Cumberland and Westmorland and parts of the historic counties of Lancashire and Yorkshire.

      The county extends along the Irish Sea coast from Morecambe Bay to Solway Firth. It includes the famous scenic Lake District, where a deeply dissected dome of ancient volcanic and slate rocks forms a landscape of mountain peaks (the Cumbrian Mountains) and lake-filled valleys. Newer outcrops of limestone and sandstone form the surrounding lowlands of the Carlisle plain and the valleys of the Rivers Eden and Kent. In the extreme east several high hills (including Cross Fell and Knock Fell) form part of the Pennines, thespineof England.

      The main agricultural activities in this largely rural county are sheep farming on the rough uplands and crop production in the more fertile lowlands. The Rivers Eden, Derwent, and Esk are noted for salmon fishing.

      There is a large naval shipyard in Barrow-in-Furness and light industry in Workington and Whitehaven, and Britain's chief nuclear fuel reprocessing and recycling centre is at Sellafield on the Irish Sea coast. The main western railway and the principal motorway to Scotland pass through Penrith and Carlisle, and Carlisle serves as a transport, distribution, and communications centre. Tourism also plays a crucial role in the county's economy.

      The principal population centres are Carlisle, Penrith, Kendal, and the ports of Barrow-in-Furness, Whitehaven, and Workington. Carlisle, the county's largest town, is the administrative centre. Area 2,613 square miles (6,768 square km). Pop. (2005 est.) 498,900.

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