
Edenic /ee den"ik/, adj.
/eed"n/, n.
1. the place where Adam and Eve lived before the Fall. Gen. 2:8-24.
2. any delightful region or abode; paradise.
3. a state of perfect happiness or bliss. Also called Garden of Eden (for defs. 1-3).
4. a town in N North Carolina. 15,672.
[ < Heb 'eden delight, pleasure]
/eed"n/, n.
(Robert) Anthony, Earl of Avon, 1897-1977, British statesman: prime minister 1955-57.

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      district, administrative county of Cumbria, northwestern England, in the eastern part of the county. A line running through the district from the River Tees, past the village of Culgaith and along the River Eamont and the Ullswater, to Stybarrow Dodd is a boundary between the historic counties of Westmorland and Cumberland; the area south of the lineincluding the town of Appleby, the upper Vale of Eden (Eden, Vale of), and the eastern edge of the Lake Districtlies in Westmorland, and the area north of the lineincluding the towns of Alston and Penrith and the middle Vale of Edenforms part of Cumberland.

      Eden is a mountainous district; the Cumbrian Mountains are in the west, the Pennines in the east, and other high moorlands in the south, all rising to elevations of 2,000 to 3,000 feet (600 to 900 metres) above sea level. The Cumbrians of Eden make up the northeastern part of the Lake District National Park, a scenic resort area. The Pennines to the east are a westward-trending series of steep-scarped, bleak hills. The vicinity of Alston in the Pennines was a major lead-mining area until the early 19th century. The narrow valley of the River Eden that originates in the southern part of the district is the only relatively low-lying and fertile part of Eden. Dairy and some beef cattle are raised in the Eden valley, and oats and fodder crops are also grown there. Sheep (particularly the Swaledale and Blackface breeds) graze wide expanses of the uplands.

      Cairns and stone circles in the moorlands and Roman, Viking, and Anglo-Saxon antiquities in the valley are evidence of varied historical occupation and settlement. The agricultural centres of Penrith and Appleby experienced recurrent devastation during the medieval Scots-English border warfare. Today Penrith is the administrative centre of the district. Area 833 square miles (2,158 square km). Pop. (2001) 49,779.

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