
cuber, n.
/kyoohb/, n., v., cubed, cubing.
1. a solid bounded by six equal squares, the angle between any two adjacent faces being a right angle.
2. an object, either solid or hollow, having this form or a form approximating it: a cube of cheese; plastic storage cubes.
3. sugar cube.
4. flashcube.
5. Math. the third power of a quantity, expressed as a3 = aaa.
6. Informal. cubic inch, esp. as a measure of the displacement of an automotive engine: a new sports car with 350 cubes.
7. Slang. one of a pair of dice; die.
8. Slang. a person who is unaware of or unfamiliar with current ideas, opinions, trends, etc.; square.
9. to make into a cube or cubes.
10. to cut into cubes.
11. Math. to raise to the third power.
12. to measure the cubic contents of.
13. to tenderize (a thin cut or slice of meat) by scoring the fibers in a pattern of squares.
[1350-1400; ME cubus < L < Gk kýbos cube, die]
/kyooh"bay/, n.
any of several tropical plants of the legume family that are used in making fish poisons and insecticides. Also, cubé /kyooh bay"/.
[1920-25; orig. uncert.]

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Universalium. 2010.

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