
/keuh toh'nee as"teuhr, kot"n ee'steuhr/, n.
any of various shrubs or small trees belonging to the genus Cotoneaster, of the rose family, having white or pink flowers and bearing a red or black, berrylike fruit, grown as an ornamental.
[1789; < NL, equiv. to L cotone(a) QUINCE + -aster -ASTER2]

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 (genus Cotoneaster), any of about 50 species of shrubs or small trees, of the rose family (Rosaceae), native to temperate Eurasia. Many species have been introduced into other temperate regions. Cotoneasters are widely cultivated for their attractive growth habit, small white to pink flowers, and small but showy red to black fruit. The leaves are alternate and smooth-edged. The flowers have five petals and sepals and are usually borne in clusters. The fruit is about 8 mm (0.25 inch) in diameter and contains two to five stones.

      Cotoneasters are important for landscape use, providing many ornamental species. Low-growing species, usually less than 1 m (3 feet) in height, include rock cotoneaster (Cotoneaster horizontals), bearberry cotoneaster (C. dammeri), and cranberry cotoneaster (C. apiculatus); C. adpressus, less than 30 cm (1 foot), is a useful ground cover. Spreading cotoneaster (C. divaricata), Peking cotoneaster (C. acutifolius), many-flowered cotoneaster (C. multiflorus), and C. integerrimus are shrubs in the height range of 1 to 4 m. A few warm zone species, such as C. affinis, C. cooper's, and C. frigidus, attain heights of 4.5 to 6 m.

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Universalium. 2010.

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